Drawing 1


11.2 x 11.2, pencil, 2022

more than the ocean and its octopi.  I started with the octopus just guessing where the middle was. Then I shaded a circle around it which got me the middle of the ocean aspect. The jellyfish was just an afterthought I added to the drawing. It's kind of a symbol of how small we are in the vastness of space. Maybe we are all in the middle of the ocean trapped. I think shading everything was kind of difficult as I couldn’t get it just dark enough. I wouldn’t do it  over if I got a second chance as I liked how it turned out. I tried to go for a realistic look however at the end I used multiple lines to circle the octopus and jellyfish. So it gave it somewhat a pop on the page.

Melting point

14.5 x11.3, color pencil, 2022

To be honest it started as a sketch in my notebook when I went to bed. That's all it really was. I just wanted to try something new. It could have meaning behind it but I barely remember making the first sketch. I just used colored pencils on black paper. That way it would give a glow effect. I really want people to think about the time they have left. How were all going to die one day. The clock is ticking and you're just a candle. Burning until you completely melt. You left to watch your life crumble until you can’t. Once your eyes melt you think you're comfortable with your fate but you're not. You just can’t see it any more. The girl herself was really difficult to color in. I didn’t really know what colors I wanted and where the light source came from. If I started over I would look at all the pink colors I could find and see how they look on the paper first instead of going head first into it. The style is somewhat surreal as the girl's neck is very thin, the proportions are exaggerated and she also has half her head missing as it's been melting away.

Pop of color

8.6 x 13.4, pencil and Blick studio markers, 2022

I wanted to show how art work can impact a really boring world. It started with just a random street with graffiti to a world cursed by dream in only black and white to artwork showing up. I started with the right side by drawing the window and plants with pencil. I then drew everything else with pencil. Except the graffiti. I used Blick studio markers And didn’t really use any technique except put the light colors first because the light colors couldn’t go over the darker colors but darker colors could go over lighter colors. The meaning became really obscure after I kept adding little details whenever I got the chance. However I still think there's an overall message. How things usually looked down upon can be the message we should all agree on. Making the giraffe was really difficult as you can’t get the spray paint style with water colors that well. I just decided to go with the dripping paint over a few spots. I think it makes up for it. I don’t think I would change it much, I would only make the lines cleaner. To be honest the style of this art is messy. The bricks look very noisy and so does everything else. It looks like an unfinished sketch. I think that is a lot of my work though. That's my style just a lot at once. I love how even with all the lines you can still see what's going on in the pictures.