Ceramics 1 


October 10, 2023

To be honest I never really wanted a big pitcher. I really just wanted a pitcher so I could put pencils or small flower cuttings in it. So there was no baseline. I just made a pitcher based off of nothing. So I started with just a ball of clay that I rolled out and put through the rolling machine. Then I cut out the shape using a template. I then put it together and gave it a bottom. Then I just glazed it when it needed to be. This artwork was my first one and required so there's no meaning behind it. Putting the sides together was actually kinda hard as I really wanted it to be smooth. I really didn’t overcome it. I kinda let it happen. I would leave more of the pattern I started with on the piece as a lot of it got cut off when I was trying to smooth out the pitcher. This is realistic as its a pitcher.

Trash Can

October 18, 2023

I wanted to go for a kind of trash and save the planet type of style. So I was originally going to make an old can and make it into a flower pot. But I really wanted to make something bigger so As I was making it it reminded me of an old fashioned trash can. So I went with it. And now it's a cookie jar. I started with a slab of clay and put it on its side and made a cylinder. It was mostly with the help of slit and a random wooden tool Used to close up the hole. I then just made the top with leftover clay. Then I made the grooves with a wooden tool with an oval shaped end. This artwork was mostly for fun. It could be a jab at whatever food you put in there is trash but honestly I just think it's cute. Making the inside of the trash can even had to be the hardest part. I just gave up and when I glazed it, it really even out. And if I could start over I wouldn’t change a single thing except I would try to make it more even. As it's kind of slanted. It's realistic as If you walked into a neighborhood 30 years ago you would see these on garbage day.


spaghetti & meatballs 

November 27 2023

-Wheel Art-

Stop Motion video
