Drawing I

Bri Clark "Birthday Cake Finish Line"

10.5x8",  Black and White, 2023

   This is my finish line drawing and updated "Birthday Cake drawing" from the first drawing  I made. I added more shading and detail to the cake, as well as some layering. 

Bri Clark "Beauty and the Beast"

10.5x8",  Black and White, 2023

   For my black and white drawing, I really wanted to make a flower. I love roses, especially because it reminds me of Beauty and the Beast. I began this process by sketching the outline of the flower, starting at the stem. I then slowly added leaves and petals. After that, I began to add the layerings in the pedals. I used a shading stick and shaded the layers of the pedals, and found it to be a little too blended. Afterwards, I went back over with pencil and re-drew the detailing of the pedals. The most difficult part of this drawing was making the pedals shaded and detailed. My favorite part about this drawing is the layers of pedals, and how the flower droops down. 

Bri Clark "Mr. Snowman" 

10.5x8", Colored, Studio Brush Markers, 2023

  One of my favorite childhood Christmas traditions is building snowmen outside. I would always find rocks for the buttons, eyes, and mouth, two sticks for the arms, and a carrot for the nose. After making snowmen when I was younger, I would read illustrated books with fictional winter characters. I've always liked the nostalgic cartoon-drawing like characters, so that is what I wanted to make the snowman look like.

Bri Clark "Old Disney" 

10.5x8", Colored, Studio Brush Markers, 2023

  Over this weekend, I had watched a lot of the old Disney movies. Cinderella, Lady and the Tramp, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, etc. One thing I love about these movies is the houses and cobblestone-streets that look like they were sketched. There are uneven lines, unfinished details, and more that make the style unique. For my process, I began looking up pictures of "old Disney towns", and found a few that inspired me. One of them was the 101 Dalmatians town, and Cinderella's house. I then began to draw, adding more detail the closer it was to the viewer, and blurred it out in the back. I added a lot of cloudy blues, and dark greys, as well as some browns and yellows. The most difficult part was finding colors that reminded me of old Disney. My favorite part is the skywalk above the road. 

Bri Clark "Marine Life"

8x10", Printmaking, 2023 

 My idea for this to make a print of dolphins. Dolphins are my favorite animals so I really wanted to show them jumping out of the water. My favorite thing abuot this print is the water because it looks like an action shot. For this process, I made the sketch of the dolphin jumping out of the water, and then made a google drawing of the words, "Marine Life". I individually curved the letters and added a circle in between them. I then used a piece of styrofoam and traced my sketch with a non-lead pencil. After having an imprint of my sketch on the piece of styrofoam, I used ink paint and rolled it out on a piece of construction paper. I did black ink with blue paper, blakc and red ink with pink paper, and black ink with fusha paper. The most difficult part was making enough indents in the prints so that it shows up. My favorite print is the blue paper with black ink. 

Bri Clark "Ballerina"

8x12, Collage/Mixed media, 2023

 For this drawing, I wanted to do a ballerina with big dreams. I wanted to represent someone who lives in a small town, hence the small town news articles. For the mixed media portion, I added a printed out tutu, as well as newspapers in the back. My process started by sketching a ballerina. I then used tracing paper to trace it out and cut out newspaper around it to fit the sketch of her. I then glued them down, and finished with a printed out ballerina tutu. The most difficult part of this drawing was getting her face proportions right, because she is at a certain angle. My favorite part about this drawing is the tutu. 

Bri Clark "Volleyball"

10x5.5in, Studio Brush Markers, Colored, 2023 

 At first, it was a picture of me and my friend, Zoey. As I was drawing, I realized I was having trouble with the facial stuctures and details. When I finished the drawing, the faces just wouldn't look like us. Any outcome I would have with the faces, I didn't like. When I began coloring, I decided to completely take out the faces. I also realized that once I took out the faces, it left us anonymous. I like it better this way because there are tons of volleyball players all around the world, and I want this picture to resemble friendship on and off the court. In order to resemble this, the faces should be anonymous, so that it can fit any discription of any volleyball player. This is a mix of portrait and surrealism. The most difficult part about this drawing was definetly the faces and overall deciding not to add them. 

Bri Clark "Midterm Sketch"

Bri Clark "Birthday Cake"

10x5.5in 2023 

 I have just finished my first drawing, "Birthday Cake". One of my favorite Disney movies is 'Sleeping Beauty" and I love the scene where the fairies bake Aurora's birthday cake. I wanted to make this cake resemble that, with small portions of fruit on the top, and icing dripping from the sides in a non-symmetrical way. 

Inktober drawings + Sketches:

Themes: Fire, Celestial, Rise, Angel