Painting 2 

Addie Appleby  "The View"

16 by 20, Acrylic, 2022

My original idea was to paint a picture that I took in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This was a picture of a muted sunrise on the beach. When I started working I shifted my idea into a bright colorful sunset with a couple sitting on the beach. So the general idea of my painting came from a picture that I took of the beach but I used my creativity to alter the look of it. I started by painting the top half of the canvas with different bright colors such as different shades of blues and orange/yellow colors. These colors were used for the sunrise/sunset that I created. I used watering down my paint as my blending technique throughout my whole painting. Then as you look to the middle of my painting you see the big sun it painted. For the sun I started by painting it all white and then I blended colors ( mainly bright orange and yellow colors) into it and then I started bleeding these colors down into the water which created a reflection over the water which was already painted blue. The next thing your eyes is drawn to is the sandy beach with the couple sitting on it. I used many different shades of brown to blend the sand. The people were then painted over top of the sand to give it the effect that they were sitting on the edge of the beach. The couple was fairly easy to paint because all you have to do is paint the body parts of it a solid color then on top of that is when you style them in whatever clothes you choose.This piece was supposed to portray stillness, happiness, and love all in one. I wanted it to feel like you were one of the people sitting on the beach at watching the sunrise. I want the audience to look at it as vibrant and calming. I feel that in this painting there is no symbolic meaning but everyone has a different point of view. So depending on the person the story of the painting changes.The most difficult part of this process was getting my sunset colors to blend into the water as a reflection. I ended up watering down all of my colors and then blending them into my water. It also helped me when I just used very little amounts of paint because I felt it was easier to control. If I could start over I would redo the people because I feel like they don’t match with the rest of the painting very well. I think of this piece as a cross between realistic and abstract. I say this because the idea the painting is based off of is realistic but because of the bright colors I used it seems abstract at the same time. I feel this is unique to my own style because it’s different from anything I've seen so I think it means it is my own style starting to develop. I love my sunset that reflects onto the water it think that it is very well put together.

Artist Name "Girl in Pink "

16 by 20, Acrylic,  2022

My original idea stemmed from my mixed media piece last year that I really liked. So I decided to paint a flower girl and because this one is my identity painting I did it in my favorite color which is pink. I started off by painting the background a very very light pink color and then made a bunch of diffrent shades of pink. Then I drew out the girl and just started following the lines with diffrent shades of pink which I created in the previous step. Then I filled in the flower petals and leaves, once this was all done then I used diffrent colored paint markers to fill in the little details. When people look at this piece their eyes should go all over the place because of the variety of colors. I want people to feel at peace when they see this and I feel like it can be left up to their own imagination to determine what it means to them. The most difficult thing for me was filling in the leaves and flower petals because the brush wasn’t small enough to just fill it in. This resulted in messy lines which I was not a fan of. I fixed this by leaving the messy lines and covering them up with paint markers. If I could start over I would change the whole setup of the flowers and I would have filled the flowers in first instead of outlining them. This style of art would be non-realistic portrait and mixed with a touch of abstract. This is unique to me because I love the color pink and my whole painting was based on it. I think my favorite part of the painting is the woman's shoulders and neck.


Artist Name "Working for Women "

16 by 20, Acrylic, 2022

My idea is heavily inspired by a poster from world war two and the original is a picture of a woman with the typewriter and she is helping the world war two cause. It turns out that this was a way to get women in the work force becuase there was a demand for stenographer. Then from that point I altered the idea a bit, instead of writing exact words from the poster I summurized the ones that I felt were important. Instead of a woman with a typewriter and a woman front and center I painited an old war plane. From that point on I started with the background, I started the background by paining the entire canvas white. Then I broke off the middle in three sections just like the original poster, then I followed the exact colors that they used. Once that was finished I used a stencil to help me draw out the letters. After that I used paint markers to fill in the lettering. Lastly I drew on the plane and also used paint markers to fill that in as well. This artwork helps show that womens rights are not what they once were. This was a very huge opportuniy to women back then becuase they were not offered near as many rights or jobs as men. This is unlike now where women have gained a lot of right and can become anything they want to be. The most difficult part of this painting was coloring in the lettering because the paint markers ran so much. I decided to not press as hard and then if it wasnt the color shade I wanted I would just go over it again. If I started over I would not have done the boxes with the colors in the middle I would have blened them becuase they may look like the French flag to some. Overall I believe that this is more realistic because it is based off of a real poster and it is my own style becuase I haven’t seen anyone attempt this idea. Lastly I love the meaning behind the painting because it helps support womens rights.