Advanced Stuido

Homecoming poster 2023

Addie Appleby "The Real Kings"

 paint on poster , 2023 

 My original idea was to paint the saying "The Real Kings" on the poster along with a saber wearing a crown. I kept the saying but ran out of time very quickly so I had to stick with drawing just the saber without the crown. I was inspired by my poster last year where my group created the tiger with the football. My process was pretty simple for this project because I had such little time. I painted the entire background grey becuase I hadn't seen anyone do that yet. Then I traced out all of the words and painted thoes in purple and yellow. Then I later traced the outiline of the tiger and painted it purple as well. I used a huge brush for the background but a medium brush for the rest of the painting. The artwork does not have a deep meaning it is just supposed to be a representative of school spirit. I wanted people to look at my poster and rally for our school team. The most difficult part of this entire project was the background It was a different texture of paint it was door paint or something of that sort so it kept peeling up from the poster which caused me to spend extra time coating it. If I could start over I would stick it out and do the tiger with the crown even though it would have taken more time it would have matched the words better. I would say this is a realistic type of painting but just a cartoon-based approach with the bubble letters and animated character it does not make it look super realistic but it is closer to realistic than abstract. I saw nobody else with this idea so it set mine apart and I love the saber it has to be my favorite part 

Mountain Painting 

Addie Appleby "Mountain View"

Paint on canvas , 2023 

 The original idea of this painting was to paint a bright-colored sort of unrealistic mountain setting because I needed a break from my other painting. This means I wanted a simple look that was easy to pull off. For this painting, I used acrylic paint blended into pastel colors. I first started by mixing a deep red and white to create the hot pink background that you see on both sides of the top of the mountain. Then I sketched out the shape of the mountain and then mixed a bunch of colors filled in the mountain and shaded it. The last part to finish was the bottom with the trees in the foreground. For the mountainside I didn't totally blend the colors to get the blended effect. I more just layered the colors one stroke at a time on top of each other to make it look like a blended affect. I don't really have a meaning behind this painting because it is so simple. The most difficult part for me was making definition on the mountain. The shading on the mountain was the most difficult because it has to be very light and I put it on too thick. To fix this I kept panting over the shading and starting again until I thought it looked right. If I could start over I would make the shape of the mountain less wide. This is definitely an abstract painting and it is unique to my style because I have seen nobody else have this kind of painting. I absolutely love the colors I mixed for this painting.

Mvf Drawing ( In progress) 

Addie Appleby "Mvf" 

Colored pencil on paper , 2023 

The original idea for this project was to be a painting of me and a friend at MVF. After many trials and errors on the painting of this idea, I decided to evolve my idea from a painting into a drawing. For this project, I ended up just using some colored pencils and a blank piece of white paper. I just started by sketching out the main shapes of the body, head, and hair. From there I started filling in those shapes with the appropriate colors. After that, I started using a mixture of colors to shade the people so they looked a little more realistic. There is not a deep meaning behind this picture it is just a good picture that I just wanted to try and recreate. When people look at this drawing I just want them to think that the people look like they are having a good time and I hope the viewer can sort of picture the moment. The most difficult part of this drawing was the facial features but with a lot of trial and error I got over that small obstacle. I think this is more on the realistic side for me because the shading looks real. If I could change one thing about this painting I would make it have a background but I love the idea of being able to capture this moment with my art.



Sketch 1 

Sketch 2 

Sketch 3

Sketch 4