Rent-to-Own Info

Updated March 22, 2024

For your convenience, Quinlan & Fabish music store representatives will be present at the Elementary Instrument Rental Night on May 13th. Please take advantage of them for all of your rental needs. Anything ordered from Quinlan & Fabish will be delivered to each elementary school in August and distributed to students. Families will place a deposit to reserve the instrument and purchase supplies.  

Families will need to purchase supplies including a band book and music stand with a stand bag for approximately $35. Families who already have a music stand will purchase their band book for $13. 

Quinlan & Fabish Music Store offers an introductory rate that covers the first four months of instrument rental (Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec). A monthly rent to own payment plan begins in January. You can also go online to for more details. See the Registration page for how to reserve your instrument.

Cost Concerns?

If your child would like to be in band, but renting isn’t an option for your family, please contact Mrs. Savino ( 630-588-5251) for other options for getting an instrument. The district has school-owned instruments for families who request financial assistance on a first-come, first-serve basis.

IL Band Rental Flyer.pdf
SPANISH Band Rental Flyer Handout.pdf

What if my child quits before the instrument is paid off?

If you rent to own and your child decides not to continue before the instrument is paid off, you may simply return it and all payments stop. 

What if we want to switch instruments right away?

Another plus to renting is if your child has an instrument delivered and it is not a good fit or they are really regretting their choice, the instrument can be switched without stopping and starting a new contract. The money you have put towards an instrument is under your name and the balance of a different instrument if a change is needed.

What about repairs covered during renting?

 Quinlan and Fabish also includes a maintenance and repair warranty in the monthly rental fee. Representatives visit our schools once a week and all instruments that are being rented can be sent in for free repairs.

The students are learning and small things will go wrong with their instruments. Directors can take care of many minor repairs at school. However, somebody will get something stuck too tight or close a case in an awkward way that bends some keys or someone will drop something and dent it or crack a mouthpiece. It is so helpful when they are just learning to have all repairs taken care of for free and without parents having to drive instruments to and from a repair shop.

Many families will choose to begin their search online and look for a deal. You should absolutely feel free to do that and look around. Please remember the adage is true, “you get what you pay for.” A quality instrument is crucial for successful learning.  I strongly recommend you keep our  Instrument Choices website as a guide for brand names.

Word of caution about getting an instrument on your own - "You get what you pay for"

If you buy an instrument at the same place you buy toilet paper and bananas, and the case closes on it and bends a key or a piece is dented or cracked- replacement pieces and repairs are most likely not available. So if you buy a $99 dollar flute and it gets a dent or broken key, you will need to start all over and buy another $99 flute. A used brand name instrument is usually a better choice than a new off brand.

Use the internet. Do your research and make sure to stop by Quinlan and Fabish’s website as well. Please choose carefully and make sure the instrument you rent or purchase is in good, working condition before school begins. We are HAPPY to look at links of instruments you might find. We would far rather look at an instrument description and find out if it has plastic or silver plated keys than tell you in October that a bent key can’t be fixed and the instrument is permanently broken.

Quinlan & Fabish will assess and quote non-rented instruments

Quinlan and Fabish does have a repair shop if you find a used name brand instrument and would like it cleaned and fixed up.  They can offer repair services and give an estimate before doing the work if a family member or neighbor are able to pass along an instrument