


Please keep in mind your bus stop time is the time students should be boarding the bus. Students need to be in line at the bus stop at that time. We have busses that are late due to children still being in vehicles when the bus arrives. This makes every stop after late and an even later arrival at school. The average rate is 15 minutes behind schedule and that costs those students a total of 7 days of instruction a year!!! Please be on time for transportation.

Transportation phone#: 307-682-4179

"Here Comes the Bus" app school code 87135

Please be respectful of school speed limits and residential areas around the school!! 

Exiting visitors from our parking lot must turn right or left per traffic signs. No entrance down 9th street permitted.

DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE IN THE DROP OFF LANE in the front of the building.

BE CONSIDERATE - PARK IN THE PARKING LOT if you walk your child into the school.

PLEASE UTILIZE THE CROSSWALK -  Our crosswalk is located immediately in front of the stairs. Keep yourself and the students safe