Self Management

In October’s SEL lesson, you completed a Three for Me guide for your own personal self-management recipe! This included coming up with cool self-talk, happy thought, and physical or relaxation activity. Pull that tool out again if you have it, if not take minute to complete it for yourself now!

Create a Schedule

During this time, it can be helpful to create a routine or make a checklist for yourself each day. Here is an example and template you can adopt!


A great way to manage your emotions is to express yourself through reflection. You can do this by writing or journaling. Consider the following prompts:

How do you feel when you use your favorite coping skill?

Write the words you need to hear…

How has COVID-19/coronavirus impacted you?

Set Goals for the Future

Visualize your goals and dreams for the future, including how you plan to achieve these. Create a vision board for yourself on paper or on your Chromebook or phone background for you to continuously look at. You can include pictures and quotes, it can be a fun activity for your family to do together!

Engage in Healthy Habits

Now more than ever it is important to take care of yourself by washing your hands. There are steps you can take to keep safe, check out this site for tip/tricks !

Coping Skills

These are healthy ways and ideas you can try to take care of yourself when you are feeling stressed. Click here for a list of 50 you can try from home!


Mindfulness strategies teach us to be more present in the moment. These can be especially helpful if we are feeling worried about the future.

Feel free to check out some of Mrs. G’s favorite ones that she uses in her classroom below.

Check out Mrs. Jimenez's favorite mindfulness techniques on "Calm" for additional free resources here!

Mindfulness Activities