Coldwater Community Schools

Wellness Support Hub

Welcome to Coldwater Community Schools' Virtual Support Hub! You may find yourself or your students feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed as we continue to adjust to our new "normal." The goal of this site is to provide you with support to help handle those big emotions while addressing your needs. We hope that these tools will help you by providing support to meet both your academic and nonacademic needs.

If you would prefer to speak to someone directly about possible supports, you are welcome to contact the following support staff, who will respond as soon as they are able to:

Max Larsen Elementary: Samantha Epp, LMSW, at

Jefferson Elementary: Linda Myers, LMSW, at and/or

Annie Wulliman, Ed.S. N.C.S.P at

Lakeland Elementary: Sara Valentine, LMSW, at

Disclaimer: The following supports are not meant to replace psychological supports. If you are interested in therapeutic options, please contact our support staff by completing the "Parents Seeking Help" form, which is the third option on the menu to the left to receive help with getting connected to a community resource. If you are currently experiencing an emotional crisis and/or a physical emergency, please contact 911 as soon as possible for immediate help.