Group 2: Language acquisition
The Language B programme is a foreign language-learning programme designed for study at both Higher and Standard Levels by students with previous experience of learning the language (3 to 5 years).
Five prescribed themes are common to the syllabuses of language ab initio and language B; the themes provide relevant contexts for study at all levels of language acquisition in the DP, and opportunities for students to communicate about matters of personal, local or national, and global interest.
Additionally, at HL students must read two works of literature.
English B
French B
Spanish B
Indonesian Ab Initio
Common Themes
Lifestyles, Health and well-being, Beliefs and values, Subcultures, Language and identity
Leisure activities, Holidays and travel, Life stories, Rites of passage, Customs and traditions, Migration
Human ingenuity
Entertainment, Artistic expressions, Communication and media, Technology, Scientific innovation
Social organization
Social relationships, Community, Social engagement, Education, The working world, Law and order
Sharing the planet
The environment, Human rights, Peace and conflict, Equality, Globalization, Ethics, Urban and rural environment
Language B Standard Level
Paper 1 - 25%
Productive skills—writing (1 hour 15 minutes) (30 marks)
One writing task of 250–400 words from a choice of three, each from a different theme, choosing a text type from among those listed in the examination instructions.
Paper 2 - 50%
Receptive skills—listening and reading (65 marks)
Listening comprehension (45 minutes) (25 marks)
Reading comprehension (1 hour) (40 marks)
Comprehension exercises on three audio passages and three written texts, drawn from all five themes.
Internal assessment - 25%
Individual oral assessment (30 marks)
A conversation with the teacher, based on a visual stimulus, followed by discussion based on an additional theme.
Language B Higher Level
Paper 1 - 25%
Productive skills—writing (1 hour 30 minutes) (30 marks)
One writing task of 450–600 words from a choice of three, each from a different theme, choosing a text type from among those listed in the examination instructions.
Paper 2 - 50%
Receptive skills—listening and reading (65 marks)
Listening comprehension (1 hour) (25 marks)
Reading comprehension (1 hour) (40 marks)
Comprehension exercises on three audio passages and three written texts, drawn from all five themes.
Internal assessment - 25%
Individual oral assessment (30 marks)
A conversation with the teacher, based on a visual stimulus, followed by discussion based on an additional theme.
Language ab initio Standard Level
Paper 1 - 25%
Productive skills—writing (1 hour) (30 marks)
Two written tasks of 70–150 words each from a choice of three tasks, choosing a text type for each task from among those listed in the examination instructions.
Paper 2 - 50%
Receptive skills—listening and reading (65 marks)
Listening comprehension (45 minutes) (25 marks)
Reading comprehension (1 hour) (40 marks)
Comprehension exercises on three audio passages and three written texts, drawn from all five themes.
Internal assessment - 25%
Individual oral assessment
A conversation with the teacher, based on a visual stimulus and at least one additional course theme. (30 marks)