Humanities/History/ World Info

History World: huge website for historical topics. Search the list in ABC order (better option) or search in the search box in the upper right. 

NationMaster country list - lots of information regarding population, economics, geography, rankings, ethnicities, and much more. 

BBC Country Profiles - choose country from the dropdown menus. Short paragraph explainers. Co vers demographics, current events, politics, history. - Comprehensive general information reports on many topics. Search in the upper right search box or click the country name first and then choose the country name. 

EveryCulture: alphabetical list of countries and within that an enormous amount of information from culture to history to economics to much more

Cultural Crossing Guide: choose country from the list in the upper right. Each page tells the cultural rules for each country. Very valuable to understanding the daily life of different countries. 

Atlapedia Online: more country information. Quite extensive. 

Council on Foreign Relations - Think tank and nonprofit who engage in foreign policy debates and policies. Search topic or country in the search box in the upper right hand corner. 

UNESCO Data: scroll down to topics to find current statistics across the world. 

United Nations Data Reports: Statistics on every imaginable category in the world regarding countries, demographics, human resources and much, much more. 

CIA WorldFact Book: demographic information on every country. Search or choose from the list. 

Heritage Foundation 2023 Index of Economic Freedom:  Excellent resource for economic overview of countries. Factors include regulatory environment, open markets, rule of law, GDP, inflation rate, unemployment, size. Gives detailed paragraph summaries. 

Various country statistics from World Bank - choose country from the list. Focuses on social, economic, environment, government/rights and more. 

World Index of Moral Freedom 2022 - Ranks countries on religious freedom, gender freedom, drug policy, and environmental care. Scroll to page 7 for the rankings. 

Amnesty international country human rights rankings - Everything you need to know about a country's human rights situation. Can look at extensive reports for each country or simple overview. 

Freedom House - Freedom in the World rankings - Individual rankings of how "free" a country is.  Scroll down for list. Can be sorted by different categories. 

Democracy Index - rankings of the most to least democratic countries in the world

U.S. Department of State: explanations of America's diplomatic relationship and position with a variety of countries