Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

CCRESA’s MTSS Purpose:

The purpose of this implementation plan is to outline the vision and action plan for CCRESA to support purposeful, sustainable and integrated Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) with partnering local school districts.

Guiding Principles of MTSS:

  • A collective responsibility for ensuring growth and success for all learners is assumed by each person within the system (educators, learners, families, and community)

  • A proactive approach to ensuring that each and every learner experiences a quality education designed to expand learner’s potential

  • A commitment to use a systematic problem-solving process to improve outcomes for all learners

  • A commitment to ongoing, effective support for educators and leaders including professional learning, feedback, and coaching

  • A commitment to use data as a basis for information gathering and decision-making to avoid making assumptions

  • Attention to fidelity of implementation, honoring both qualitative and quantitative measures

  • An investment in systems to promote durability and the scaling up of MTSS

Essential Components of MTSS

Five essential components have been identified through the practice profile development process. These components include the following:

  • Team-based Leadership

  • Tiered Delivery System

  • Selection and Implementation of Instruction, Interventions and Supports

  • Comprehensive Screening & Assessment System

  • Continuous Data-Based Decision Making

Stephanie Sebrell

MTSS Specialist

A Multi-Tier Model

MTSS Triangle

Tier 1

Tier 1 is the universal, school-wide support system for all students. Tier 1 establishes the school culture and expectations for behavior and learning. Effective universal supports should meet the needs of most students.

Tier 2

Some students still struggle, even after tier 1 supports are in place. Tier 2 supports are programs and strategies for students who need additional support. Students receive targeted supports, based on their needs, that are more intense and more frequent. If a student’s performance improves, he or she may be able to continue achieving without tier 2 supports.

Tier 3

A very small number of students with severe difficulties need interventions beyond tier 2 supports. Tier 3 supports are intensive programs and strategies for students with highly individualized needs. The supports are designed to meet the student’s specific needs. If a student’s performance improves, he or she may be able to continue achieving without tier 3 supports.


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For more information, please contact Stephanie Sebrell (