Faculty Resources

Welcome to the TDHS Faculty resource page. Here you will find teaching resources to use in your classrooms or information about innovative teaching methods. If you would like to contribute a resource to this page, please fill out this form.

Featured Links:

ChatGPT - You can ask the AI pretty much anything, and it produces impressive results. Here are some examples.


  • Enter the text or web link for your study material

  • The AI will create a list of questions & answers from the text

  • Quiz yourself to see how well you know the content

Museums for Digital Learning - New platform bringing museums like Chicago FIELD, History Colorado, Newfields, and more together to share artifacts, digital primary sources and already created resource kits complete with activity & lesson ideas!

  • Remove unwanted items from any image using this AI-powered online photo editor.

  • Free version allows unlimited edits but limits the size of downloaded images to 600x400.

Cure for Boredom - Post this list of games and activities for your kids to do when they are done. Some even involve charitable contributions (not from kids but from playing the game)

Accommodations for All Learners

Blended Learning - "student learns at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace. " Blended Learning Universe Several teachers here at Dale are already using blended learning techniques in their classrooms with great success. Below are some great articles and videos that will give you a better idea what it is and how to implement it into your classroom.

Breakout/Escape Rooms - These activities are an engaging way to teach students new content or review what you've already taught. They can be done completely online, using your classroom/school building or a combination. Your library has boxes and locks and the librarians have experience developing these activities. Come see us!


Clue ideas

Civics Lessons - "Students are confused about how to evaluate online information. We all are. The COR curriculum provides free lessons and assessments that help you teach students to evaluate online information that affects them, their communities, and the world."

Coding curriculum with lessons - This is a Google product that provides coding and computer science lessons and resources to teachers and students for free.

Educational Templates - Do you need a template to use with your kids but don't have the time to create one? Check these two sites out. They have tons...social media templates, reading and writing templates, etc.

EdLinks - General use links that all teachers can use.

Wizer.me - This is a tool you can use to make your worksheets more interactive and engaging. This Link will take you to a tutorial.

Digital Choice Boards - Choice boards are a great way to let kids have some say in what they want to do and when. This Link will take you to a template that will help you to create one.

FlipHunt - Scavenger hunts are a fun way to present content. Flipgrid is a tool you can use to create a digital one. This Link will take you to a tutorial to help you create one.

Teacher's Guide to Digital Choice Boards - This is a free ebook detailing best practices and ideas for using digital choice boards with your classes

Free classroom materials and lessons on Media Literacy

Online Tools:

  • 13 Tools to Record Audio on Chromebooks - Showcases audio tools as well as links on how to use them in your presentations, etc.

  • Newspaper Map - Allows you to read the newspapers from just about anywhere in the world. Translations provided by Google Translate.

  • The Deep Sea - Allows you to dive to the deepest parts of the ocean and see the creatures that live there.