
Assessing Teacher-Child Interactions with CLASS Observations provide essential feedback to teachers and site leaders on the quality of the teacher-child interactions taking place within a classroom. These observations provide insights that can inform professional development plans. Through both local and external observations, Pre-K classrooms are better prepared to support early learning and development. It’s a journey of continuous improvement that is data-driven and focused on what matters most for student outcomes.

VPI Guidelines Section 1: Providing a Quality Preschool Education

To improve kindergarten readiness in Carroll County, all Pre-K programs will provide high-quality teacher-child interactions and instruction.

Desired Outcomes

  1. All VPI teachers will be observed at least two times a year with the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) by a local certified reliable observer who will also provide targeted feedback and professional development for ongoing quality improvement purposes.

Action Steps

  • Local CLASS® Observations will be conducted in each Pre-K Classroom in the Fall and in the Spring using the Best Practices Guidebook,

  • Pre-K teachers will receive feedback and coaching based on the CLASS® observation scores.

  • Pre-K teachers will be provided professional development specifically related to the needs identified in the assessment.

  1. Pre-K Teacher and paraprofessional will achieve an average Pre-K Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) score of 6.00 or higher in Emotional Support & Classroom Organization (Pre-K CLASS) or Emotional and Behavioral Support (Toddler CLASS) .

Action Steps

  • Pre-K teachers will have access to resources, training, and/or coaching related to the Regard for Student Perspectives dimension and will create a Classroom Jobs chart to improve opportunities for student leadership & responsibility.

  • Pre-K teachers will have access to resources, training, and/or coaching related to the Behavior Management dimension and implement Clear Behavior Expectations, Proactiveness, Redirection, and Recognition of Positive behavior.

  1. Pre-K Teacher and paraprofessional will achieve an average Pre-K CLASS score of 4.25 or higher in Instructional Support (Pre-K CLASS) or Engaged Support for Learning Score (Toddler CLASS).

Action Steps

  • Pre-K teachers will have access to professional development focusing on the Concept Development dimension to promote students' higher-order thinking skills and cognition and the teacher's focus on understanding rather than on rote instruction.

  • Pre-K teachers will have access to professional development focusing on the Quality of Feedback dimension to improve the degree to which the teacher provides feedback that expands learning and understanding and encourages continued participation.

External CLASS observations

External CLASS observations will no longer be required for all VPI classrooms on a bi-annual basis. Instead, external observations will be randomized each year. External CLASS observations are coordinated, scheduled, and recorded by an organization that is external to the early learning program or community. VPI classrooms receive external CLASS observations, coordinated by the Center for the Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL), once every two years. All external observations include a feedback summary provided to the site leaders that are they are expected to share with the teacher. This feedback is an essential component of classroom improvement.

Local CLASS observations

Local CLASS observations are coordinated, scheduled, and recorded by the local community or school division. Providing local observations results in frequent feedback for teachers, which ultimately leads to improved learning experiences for children. Having site and division leaders trained in the CLASS™ tool enables them to bring the CLASS™ lens to every aspect of their work, reinforcing the important feedback and goals teachers will receive as a result of their observations.