Student Loan/Debt Clinics

Student Debt Clinics

For a Better Life, for Equity and Civil Rights, for Freedom and for a Voice at Work and in Our Democracy

The rising cost of higher education has led more than 45 million people in the United States to seek out student loans to finance their pursuit of higher education, borrowing over $1.7 trillion. Before March 2020, 1 in 4 were in distress—either not able to pay the full amount of their monthly payments, or they had gone into default.

The debt relief landscape is far different today, thanks to the work of AFT members. Our work has created more opportunities for borrowers―even borrowers with FFEL or parent PLUS loans―but some of these opportunities are time limited.

That’s where the AFT’s student debt clinics come in. Student debt clinics are 90-minute programs that:

Meet Summer—an online resource, started by student loan borrowers who wanted to help others avoid bad information and bad actors in the student loan market. Summer harnesses the expertise of public policy experts to optimize borrower options, and it uses technology to make the process easy and secure. The AFT trusts Summer to help our members navigate the student loan repayment landscape.

Using Summer’s online student loan management platform, AFT members who enroll in this free member benefit can:

Thousands of AFT members have already joined Summer, reducing their monthly payments by hundreds of dollars a month and saving tens of thousands over the life of their loans!

Are you ready to get your student loans under control today? Summer’s got your back! Enroll for free today.