Cerritos College Faculty Federation (CCFF)- AFT/CFT 6215 



Welcome Faculty

The Cerritos College Faculty Federation (CCFF) is your union. We represent you and all Cerritos College faculty. When your negotiations team bargains with the District, we bargain for all faculty.

We are a local labor union under the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), one of the major national teacher’s unions for educators. Whereas, the CFT is the state union under the AFT, and offers CCFF regular support in union business.

The CCFF Executive Board consists of 10 officers. As a labor union, we are made up of your peers. Officers are both part-time and full-time faculty, and we teach in a range of subjects and serve in student services and academic affairs areas. Alongside our academic duties, we dedicate ourselves toward, not only to working for better working conditions, but also to retaining these gains for everyone.



We are a democratic organization that works for what matters most to faculty. This is why we make every effort to gain feedback from our constituency, the collection of faculty who we represent.

Our union members all have a say in what their working conditions are, who is in the union, how the union should operate, and which community representatives should make decisions for our workplace.



We are also a transparent organization that, through regular email and face-to-face communication, we inform our members of our efforts and progress.



As a union, the CCFF provides a support system for our fellow faculty. Our officers can be a resource for new and current faculty members who may have questions or concerns about the union or about Cerritos College. Faculty are encouraged to reach out to us at any time.



The CCFF understands that how the college treats faculty affects how each faculty member perceive themselves. This is why every effort we make means one step closer to all faculty feeling that their work is appreciated, fairly compensated, and that they are treated with dignity.

Your CCFF Executive Board team members are all proactive Cerritos College Faculty. Besides playing various leadership roles, we serve in the fields of Counseling, Communication Studies, Women's and Gender Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Business, and Mathematics. As a team, we divide our efforts in sub-committees to best sustain our union's efforts. 

You can meet the Executive Board Team here!