The WISP Activities and Resource Hub

Disclaimer: The following links are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological intervention or as substitute for psychological treatment. If you are experiencing distress, seek the assistance of your School Counselor, School Psychologist, other trusted adult, or refer to this list of hotlines and text lines. 

Descargo de responsabilidad: Los siguientes enlaces son puramente para fines educativos y no pretenden ser una intervención psicológica o un sustituto del tratamiento psicológico. Si experimenta angustia, busque la ayuda de su consejero escolar, psicólogo escolar, otro adulto de confianza, o consulte esta lista de líneas directas y líneas de texto.

Welcome to the CCCOE Virtual Wellness Center! The CCCOE Virtual Wellness Center is a place for students, staff, and families to find resources and tools in order to practice strategies for coping during challenging times.  

¡Bienvenidos al Centro de Bienestar Virtual del CCCOE! El Centro de Bienestar Virtual de CCCOE es un lugar para que los estudiantes, el personal y las familias encuentren recursos y herramientas para practicar estrategias para sobrellevar tiempos difíciles.

In case of mental health crisis/emergency, students and families can call 988, call 211, or text "HOPE" to 20121.

En caso de crisis/emergencia de salud mental, los estudiantes y las familias pueden llamar al 988, llamar al 211 o enviar un mensaje de texto con la palabra "HOPE" al 20121. 

Summer Mental Health Hotlines: A Beacon For Support for Youth

As the school year winds down, it's important to remember that transition can be challenging for many young people. The freedom and excitement of summer can sometimes bring about loneliness, anxiety, or depression. That's why WISP believes it's important to offer various Mental Health Hotlines, which will be resources for youth seeking support over the summer holiday. 

Contra Costa County's Mental Health Access Line


Mental Health and substance use services, referrals, and general information, 24/7 services. Anyone can call for themselves or someone they care about. 

Contra Costa Crisis Center

Please call 988 or 1-800-273-8255  

Text 'HOPE' to 20121

If you are in crisis and need help immediately, please call 988 or 1-800-273-8255 or text 'HOPE' to 20121 now. Doing so will quickly put in touch with a Contra Costa Crisis Center Specialist. 


Call 211


Whether you are looking for help for yourself, worried about someone else, or looking for information about mental health resources, start with 211 to learn valuable mental health and substance use resources and services in Contra Costa County. 

The Trevor Project

Call 1-866-488-7386

Text: 'Start' to 678-678

If you are thinking about harming yourself - get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor, 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S. via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free. Trevor Project's trained counselors understand the challenges LGBTQ young people face and are available for support 24/7. 

The California Warmline 

Call or Text 855-600-9276

The Warmline provides accessible mental health support by using the wisdom of lived experience to connect, inspire hope and empower our community toward unlimited recovery. We have provided assistance via phone and web chat to anyone in need. Some concerns callers have are challenges with interpersonal relationships, anxiety, pain, depression, finances, alcohol/drug use, etc. 

Explore each area to discover strategies and tools that work for you: 

Coloring and Creativity
Games and Puzzles
Physical Health and Nutrition 
Sounds and Music
Stress and Anxiety
Virtual Tours and Webcams 
Visit our Website:
Learn more