Virtual and Augmented Reality Tools

What are Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality? 

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information, such as virtual objects or computer-generated images, onto the real-world environment. It enhances the user's perception of reality by blending virtual elements with the physical world. AR technology typically relies on devices like smartphones, tablets, or dedicated AR headsets to provide users with a view of the physical world augmented with virtual content. By utilizing sensors, cameras, and tracking technologies, AR systems can understand the user's real-world context and accurately position virtual objects within it. 

Mixed Reality (MR) is an advanced technology that merges the real world with virtual elements, creating an immersive and interactive experience that combines both physical and digital elements. It blends elements of both Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to create a new environment where digital objects can interact with the real world and vice versa. In mixed reality, users wear headsets or goggles equipped with sensors and cameras to perceive and interact with virtual content. These devices allow for precise tracking of the user's movements and position, enabling the virtual objects to be placed and interact with real-world objects in a more convincing and seamless manner. 

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated technology that immerses users in a simulated, interactive 3D environment, effectively replacing the real world with a virtual one. Through the use of VR headsets or goggles, users are transported to a completely computer-generated environment, allowing them to perceive and interact with the virtual surroundings as if they were physically present within it. The virtual environments in VR can range from realistic simulations of real-world places to entirely imaginary or fantastical realms. Users can navigate and interact with the virtual world through movements and gestures, providing a sense of agency and control. In some cases, additional accessories such as motion capture systems or body-tracking sensors can further enhance the user's ability to interact with the virtual environment.

What are the differences between them?

Augmented Reality (AR) enhances the real world by overlaying virtual objects or digital information onto the user's view, allowing interaction with both the physical and virtual elements. Mixed Reality (MR) combines aspects of both AR and VR to create a more immersive experience where virtual objects and the real world coexist and interact in a shared space. MR provides a higher level of immersion and realism, with virtual objects responding to real-world elements. Virtual Reality (VR) offers a complete immersion in a simulated environment, replacing the real world entirely. VR headsets transport users to virtual worlds where they can interact with objects and environments, providing a fully immersive experience. While AR augments reality, MR blends virtual and real-world elements, and VR replaces reality with a virtual environment, each technology offers unique experiences and levels of immersion.

It's important to note that the distinctions between AR, MR, and VR can sometimes blur, and the technologies continue to evolve, leading to new hybrid forms and experiences.

Augmented Reality Experience

Augmented Reality Tools

Mixed Reality Experiences 

Mixed Reality Tools

Virtual Reality Experiences

Virtual Reality Tools