Digital Tools to Increase Learning

Video Tools

Audio Tools

Interactive Tools

Edpuzzle - an educational technology platform that allows educators to create interactive video lessons for their students. It enables teachers to take existing video content from sources like YouTube, Khan Academy, and other educational platforms, and enhance it by adding questions, comments, and other interactive elements. This makes the video content more engaging and enables teachers to assess student understanding in real-time. (Use Ideas)

Kahoot - a popular educational platform that uses game-based learning to engage students and promote interactive learning experiences. It allows educators to create and share interactive quizzes, surveys, and polls, which students can participate in using their smartphones, tablets, or computers. Kahoot! is widely used in classrooms, training sessions, conferences, and other learning environments to make learning more engaging and fun. (Use Ideas)

Quizizz - an online learning platform that enables educators and students to create and participate in interactive quizzes, surveys, and assessments. Quizizz adds an element of gamification to the learning process, making it engaging and fun for students to test their knowledge and learn new concepts. (Use Ideas)

Padlet - Padlet is an online virtual "bulletin board" platform that allows users to create and share digital boards where they can collect, organize, and collaborate on various types of content. It's often used for brainstorming, sharing ideas, collaborating on projects, and collecting feedback in an interactive and visual way. (Use Ideas)

Presentation Tools

3D Modeling and Creation Tools