Examples of BreakoutEDU 

Physical Kit Examples

Searching for the Sea - You step outside of your house in the Blue Ridge Mountains to find a flock of seagulls sitting in your front yard. You quickly learn that the flock has lost its way. Can you help them find their way back to the Atlantic Ocean before the sunsets in 45 minutes? 

Digital Kit Examples

Mindful Maddie - My name is Mindful Maddie, and I am here to help you practice mindfulness, no matter what is going on in your life. Grab your family and friends, and work together to solve these clues. In the end, not only will you have broken out, but you will have broken into my toolbox of mindfulness! 

Field Day Fun - Field Day Fun! It's that time of year! Time to run, jump, toss, bounce, and have some fun with friends. The Critter Crew is ready to compete but they need your help! They need you to help them complete the Field Day challenges and unlock their medal! Penny Pig, Marvin Monkey, Pete Penguin, Oscar Owl, Danny Dog, and Zelda Zebra are counting on you! 

Birthday Party Puzzler - So you're having a birthday, eh? Well not so fast. You need to figure out where we put the party supplies for your big day! 

School Daze - What has happened? You clicked on the wrong link, and now nothing makes sense. The room is mixed up and a mess! You need to break free of this School Daze and get your day back on track! 

The Lost Ladybug - Lola Ladybug wandered off and found herself lost! She needs your help to get back to her favorite window and the rest of her family. 

Keyla Carnival Games - Kids are so used to being “plugged in” that they are struggling to wait in line and take turns when playing the party games! Hopefully, these carnival games can keep them engaged and encourage them along the way so we can all have fun! 

Danny Plays Putt-putt - Danny the Dinosaur is a T-Rex. He wants to play Putt-Putt but he needs an extra long club because his arms are too short. There is a shed with long clubs but it is locked. All of his friends are ready to go. Solve the clues and help Danny before it is his turn. 

Jenna's Adaptation Extravaganza - Jenna has been assigned a project to go out into the “real world” and inform people about the importance of adaptations. Would you please do her a favor, and be the first guest on her interactive tour? 

Keyla Takes on Natural Hazards - Keyla has learned all about natural hazards through her travel agency. During her travels she has even found herself stuck in a few! Help Keyla show what she knows by reducing the impacts of natural hazards (while traveling safely)! 

Neighborhood Picnic - Your mom is planning for your annual neighborhood picnic and she needs your help. Your younger sister got into your mom's papers and notes, and now your mom is in a rush to get everything finished before the guests arrive. Help her get everything organized so the picnic can go on as planned.