Prompt Writing Frameworks

Chain of Thought Framework

CoT prompting, or Code of Thought prompting, is akin to providing a detailed roadmap for a computer program to navigate complex problem-solving tasks effectively. It involves breaking down intricate problems into manageable steps and guiding the program through a systematic reasoning process towards a solution. The process begins with crafting prompts, which serve as instructions and context for the program to understand the task at hand. These prompts act as guiding questions, directing the program's thought process. CoT prompting encompasses two main approaches: zero-shot prompting and few-shot prompting. In zero-shot prompting, the program receives a task without any examples and attempts to solve it solely based on the provided prompt. Conversely, few-shot prompting supplements the prompt with a few illustrative examples to enhance the program's learning process. This approach is akin to presenting solved math problems to the program before presenting a new one, aiding its understanding. CoT goes beyond conventional prompting methods by offering a structured train of thought to the program. Instead of merely instructing it to solve a problem, CoT provides a sequence of steps, guiding the program through each stage of the problem-solving process. This method enhances the program's ability to tackle intricate problems by mimicking human thought processes. CoT is particularly valuable for challenging tasks such as puzzle-solving or comprehending lengthy texts. By teaching the program how to reason logically, CoT prompting contributes to its overall intelligence and accuracy, enabling it to handle complex tasks with greater proficiency. 


Imagine you're teaching a computer program to write an essay on a given topic, "Climate Change." Instead of simply instructing the program to generate an essay, you provide it with a structured chain of thought to guide its writing process effectively.

By providing this structured chain of thought, the program follows a logical progression of ideas, ensuring coherence and depth in the essay's content. This approach not only guides the program through the essay-writing process but also fosters a deeper understanding of the topic and its complexities.

RTF Framework

Let's simplify the concept of the RTF Framework:

Role (R): The Role is like assigning a character or personality to the AI. It's akin to giving it a specific job or identity. For instance, you can instruct the AI to act as a wise life coach, a skilled chef, or a personal trainer. This Role sets the context for the AI's actions.

Task (T): Think of the Task as the mission you want the AI to accomplish. It's about specifying what you need it to do. For example, the Task could be to create a plan for improving work-life balance. You can tailor the Task to suit your requirements.

Format (F): The Format refers to how you want the AI to present its response. It's like choosing the appropriate outfit for a particular occasion. This could be in the form of a table, paragraph, list, or any other organizational structure. Clearly stating the preferred Format helps the AI understand your expectations.

Why RTF Matters: Utilizing the RTF framework facilitates effective communication with AI models like ChatGPT. By breaking down your request into these three components, you guide the AI to provide the most suitable response. Whether it's work-related or not, RTF offers a versatile approach to obtaining accurate and precise answers.


Here's an example of how the RTF Framework can be applied:

Role (R): Let's say you want the AI to act as a financial advisor. The Role in this scenario is to provide sound financial guidance and investment recommendations.

Task (T): The Task assigned to the AI could be to analyze a client's financial portfolio and suggest potential investment strategies to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Format (F): You specify that you want the AI's response in the form of a detailed report. This Format includes charts, graphs, and explanations outlining the recommended investment options and their potential outcomes.

By breaking down the request into these three components (Role, Task, Format), you provide clear instructions to the AI, guiding it to generate a tailored response aligned with your requirements. This structured approach ensures that the AI understands the context of the request and delivers a relevant and comprehensive output.

RHODES Framework 

Let's delve into the AI Rhodes Framework for prompting, offering a systematic approach to crafting prompts and refining AI models. Imagine you're instructing an AI system to comprehend and generate human-like text. The Rhodes Framework facilitates this process effectively.

The Prompt Library serves as a repository of pre-designed questions or instructions, guiding the AI in understanding specific tasks. These prompts, such as "Summarize this article" or "Translate this text," ensure consistency and efficiency in AI interactions.

Prompt Customization allows for tailoring prompts to match specific contexts, audiences, and desired outputs. For instance, when prompting the AI to write a creative poem, a customized prompt like "Compose a heartfelt poem about love and longing" can be employed.

The Feedback Loop is integral for continuous improvement, gathering insights on the AI's responses and refining prompts accordingly. This iterative process resembles fine-tuning the AI's comprehension and performance over time.

Why AI Rhodes Matters:

This framework empowers companies to enhance productivity, elevate quality, and bolster the skills of their human workforce. It ensures that AI systems consistently deliver accurate and relevant outcomes. The next time you engage with an AI, remember that behind the scenes, prompts crafted using frameworks like AI Rhodes contribute to its capabilities.


Let's consider an example of how the AI Rhodes Framework could be applied in a real-world scenario:

Prompt Library:

Imagine a company developing a language translation AI. The Prompt Library includes a range of prompts such as "Translate this document from English to Spanish" or "Provide a summary of this news article in French." These prompts guide the AI in understanding specific translation tasks, ensuring consistency and accuracy across translations.

Prompt Customization:

Now, let's say the company wants to customize prompts for a specialized translation project focused on legal documents. They tailor the prompts to match this context, creating customized instructions such as "Translate this legal contract from English to German" or "Provide a summary of this patent application in Chinese." These customized prompts ensure that the AI is trained to handle the nuances and complexities of legal terminology, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of its translations in this domain.

Feedback Loop:

After deploying the AI for translation tasks, the company collects feedback on the quality and accuracy of the translations from users and reviewers. Based on this feedback, they refine and adjust the prompts in the Prompt Library to address any areas of improvement. For example, if users report issues with the accuracy of legal translations, the company may revise the prompts to provide more context or specific instructions for legal terminology. This iterative process of gathering feedback and refining prompts ensures that the AI continuously improves its performance over time.

Why AI Rhodes Matters:

By following the AI Rhodes Framework, the company can ensure that its language translation AI consistently delivers accurate and high-quality translations across different domains and use cases. This framework empowers the company to enhance the productivity of its translation services, improve the quality of translations, and provide better value to its clients. Ultimately, frameworks like AI Rhodes play a crucial role in optimizing the performance of AI systems and driving innovation in various industries.

RISEN Framework 

The RISEN Framework is a structured method used to solve problems and manage projects effectively. Each letter in the acronym represents a key step in the process. First comes "Research," where you gather information and data to understand the problem better. Next is "Identify," where you pinpoint the main issues and goals you want to achieve. Then, in "Strategize," you develop a plan to tackle the problems and reach your objectives. After that, it's time to "Execute" your plan by putting it into action. Lastly, you "Navigate" through the process, staying flexible and making adjustments as needed to overcome challenges and stay on track. The RISEN Framework offers a clear and organized approach to problem-solving and project management, ensuring that you can tackle complex tasks with confidence and achieve success. 


Scenario: Launching a New Product


Before launching a new product, thorough research is essential. This includes market research to understand consumer needs and preferences, competitor analysis to identify gaps and opportunities, and feasibility studies to assess the viability of the product. Research may also involve gathering data on production costs, distribution channels, and target demographics.


Once research is complete, the next step is to identify key objectives and milestones for the product launch. This may include defining sales targets, establishing timelines for production and distribution, and setting goals for market penetration and customer acquisition. Clear identification of objectives ensures alignment and clarity among team members.


With objectives in place, the team develops a strategic plan for launching the product. This may involve developing marketing strategies to create awareness and generate interest, setting pricing strategies to maximize profitability, and designing promotional campaigns to drive sales. Strategies are tailored to the specific goals and target audience of the product launch.


Execution involves putting the strategic plan into action. This includes coordinating production and distribution processes, implementing marketing campaigns across various channels, and training sales teams to promote the product effectively. Execution requires effective communication and coordination among team members to ensure tasks are completed on time and within budget.


Throughout the product launch process, it's important to remain agile and adaptable. Unexpected challenges may arise, such as production delays, supply chain disruptions, or changes in market conditions. Navigating involves monitoring progress, identifying potential risks, and making adjustments as needed to keep the project on track and achieve the desired outcomes.

Chain of Destiny Framework

Imagine you’re reading a long article or story. Sometimes, you just want a quick summary to understand what’s going on without getting lost in all the details. Well, the Chain of Density (CoD) framework is like a super-smart tool that helps create better summaries for articles.

Here’s how it works:


RICCE Framework

Let's explore the RICCE Framework for creating effective prompts when interacting with AI models. This framework consists of five components, each playing a crucial role in shaping the AI's output.

Role (R): The Role component defines the persona or character that the AI should embody. It's like casting the AI in a specific role. For example, if you want the AI to write a persuasive essay, you assign it the role of a passionate advocate. This ensures that the AI's responses align with the intended context and style.

Instructions (I): Instructions provide clear guidance to the AI. When crafting prompts, it's essential to be explicit about what you want the AI to do. For instance, if you're asking for a recipe, specify the ingredients, steps, and cooking time. Well-defined instructions lead to more accurate and relevant outputs.

Context (C):  Context sets the stage for the AI's response by considering the audience, purpose, and background information. For example, if you're asking for a fictional dialogue, provide context about the characters and their relationship. This ensures that the AI tailors its output appropriately to the given scenario.

Constraints (C): Constraints define boundaries for the AI's creativity, specifying limitations such as response length, tone, or formatting. They prevent the AI from going off-topic or producing overly verbose answers. For instance, you might ask for a concise paragraph or a tweet-length response.

Examples (E): Examples illustrate what you expect from the AI and help it understand the desired style, structure, and content. They serve as reference points for generating accurate responses. Providing sample outputs or scenarios enhances the AI's comprehension and ensures that it delivers context-aware results.

Why RICCE Matters: The RICCE Framework ensures effective communication with AI models, empowering users to get precise, context-aware results. Whether you're writing, brainstorming, or problem-solving, RICCE helps guide the AI toward the outcomes you seek, making interactions with AI models more productive and efficient.


Let's apply the RICCE Framework to the scenario of creating a persuasive speech using an AI-powered speech generator:

Role (R): For this scenario, the Role component involves casting the AI in the role of a persuasive speaker. The goal is to deliver a compelling speech that convinces the audience to take action on a particular issue, such as climate change.

Instructions (I): Provide clear instructions to the AI about the objectives of the speech. Instruct the AI to present evidence supporting the urgency of addressing climate change, highlight the potential consequences of inaction, and propose actionable steps that individuals and communities can take to mitigate its effects.

Context (C): Consider the context in which the speech will be delivered, such as a community gathering or a conference on environmental sustainability. Understand the audience demographics, their level of knowledge on the topic, and their potential concerns or objections. This context will inform the tone, style, and content of the speech, ensuring that it resonates with the audience.

Constraints (C): Define constraints to guide the AI's creativity and ensure that the speech aligns with your objectives. Specify constraints such as maintaining a positive and hopeful tone throughout the speech, avoiding technical jargon that may confuse the audience, and keeping the speech within a specified time limit to maintain audience engagement.

Examples (E): Offer examples of persuasive speeches on climate change that have been effective in inspiring action. Share sample speeches that use storytelling, emotional appeals, and concrete examples to engage the audience and drive home key messages. These examples will serve as inspiration for the AI and provide reference points for crafting a compelling speech.

Why RICCE Matters: By applying the RICCE Framework, you can guide the AI-powered speech generator to produce a persuasive speech that is tailored to the audience, aligns with the objectives of the speech, and adheres to constraints such as tone, style, and time limit. This structured approach ensures that the speech effectively communicates its message, engages the audience, and inspires them to take action on the issue of climate change.

Clear Framework

Star Framework

When crafting prompts for AI systems, it’s essential to follow the STAR framework. First, specificity is crucial. Clearly define what you want the AI to generate—avoid vague instructions. For instance, instead of requesting a generic poem, ask for a specific theme or style. Next, consider task constraints. Set boundaries on the output, specifying format, length, or other requirements. A well-structured prompt might be, “Write a 5-line haiku about love.” Third, embrace adaptability. If the initial AI response isn’t ideal, iterate by adjusting your prompts based on previous answers. Finally, prioritize relevance. Tailor your prompts to the ongoing conversation context. Relevant prompts yield more coherent and engaging content. Remember, the STAR framework guides AI creativity and ensures meaningful interactions 


SWOT Framework


Imagine you’re playing a game where you’re a superhero trying to save your city. 🦸‍♂️


Let’s break down the RTRI structure for prompt engineering, which can be a valuable approach when working with generative AI. This structure helps guide the creation of effective prompts. Here’s what each component entails:


Act as an expert culinary arts educator. Design a 50-minute tutorial for community college students who are learning about healthy cooking practices in a kitchen context including materials needed for tasks. Design activities that leverage retrieval practice, analogies, elaboration, and active learning.