Expectations & Code of Conduct

Each Blazing Bobcat is considered a student leader in the school and are expected to behave as such. By submitting a Blazing Bobcats Run Club application, the student applicant and responsible parent/guardian agrees to the following:

1. Students will follow the BRE Student Code of Conduct at all times.

2. Students will respect their teammates, coaches, and parent coaches.

3. Students will not miss more than FOUR practices in a season.

4. Students will wear appropriate running attire to each practice.

5. Students will maintain a positive attitude and put forth their best effort throughout the season.

6. Students will maintain their grades throughout the season.

7. Students will follow road safety rules when training.

Poor conduct, any infraction documented in Educators Handbook, repeated absences, and/or an inability to follow the rules above will result in student dismissal from the Blazing Bobcats.