All of us at CCA want to wish all of our CCA grandparents a HAPPY GRANDPARENTS DAY! We had to change our plans a bit this year, but still wanted to share how much we love our grandparents! Press play on the video below!

Many of you have been asking how to donate to your grandchild's school!

Financial and wealth-planned gifts help tremendously to improve the experience of students & staff at CCA, as well as assist in operations. The generosity and sacrificial giving of donors has helped make it possible for CCA to provide an outstanding Christian educational experience for over 100 years.

Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can make a difference for students at CCA.

Gifts may be restricted by including instructions with the donation. To receive a donation receipt for tax deduction purposes, please share your email address with your donation. For additional information, please email Tracy Ringering.

Click to Donate.