CBE Validation Pitstops

Building coherence among the core components of CBE requires that school teams create feedback loops to continually revisit what we call “CBE Validation Pitstops” in order to check for relevance, effectiveness, and clarity of guidelines and processes used for determining whether students have demonstrated learning expectations described in the competencies.

Figure 3.3 illustrates the “Big Picture” of CBE with five validation pitstops.

Pitstops Validation

The Big Picture: CBE Development and Validation (pp. 74-111)

Validity is a term frequently used in the assessment world. A valid assessment is an assessment that assesses what it was intended to assess; elicits observable and measurable evidence linked to the intended learning goal(s); and therefore, can be used to interpret what students have actually learned.

A valid and reliable CBE system is a system that builds in checks and balances to ensure: clear communication of learning goals to all stakeholders (portrait of the graduate/POG and K-12 competencies); fidelity of implementation among school staff (instruction, grading, and reporting): and validity of purpose and use of practices employed.

Validation is essential along each phase of CBE implementation.

Each pitstop is both a possible entry point into your CBE journey and where you’ll need to revisit and refine as your system evolves.

Teams use these five “pit stops” just as a race car driver would - not necessarily in a sequential manner, but as needed - to refuel and tune performance - before going on.

Question 3.1 for Reflection:

Which of the 5 pitstops is – or was - your school’s entry point into CBE?

Question 3.2 for Reflection:

What processes or tools will school teams use to validate, clarify, and refine…

competencies, alignment to standards, performance scales, performance assessments, and/or collection of evidence for each student’s Body of Evidence/BOE?