Veganism and vegetarianism

Veganism and being a vegetarian

I agree strongly with the ideals of veganism and being a vegetarian but I do admit it's very hard but it's good for your health done right, and let me repeat done right. Some people believe that being a vegan or vegetarian is bad for your health because you wouldn't be consuming protein, calcium, iron and vitamin B12 but done right you can consume all of these in healthier and more ethical ways. The reason I agree so strongly about being a vegetarian or vegan is that, honestly, as a species that can, we should all become vegan or at least vegetarian. You may not physically capable of having a plant based diet and that's ok, but if you are I strongly think you should become one

Benefits of being a vegetarian or vegan..........................................

  • You will be more healthy, as long as you're smart about it. Being a vegetarian or vegan is hard so you need a plan. Don't just eat bread. Eat lots of nuts, seeds fruit and as a vegetarian you can enjoy milk and eggs too. As a vegetarian eggs are amazing! They are full of protein and are delicious! Milk is great too. (:
  • It's so good in so many ways, even those you may not have thought of. Becoming a vegan or vegetarian is not only good for you but for all animals and people you encounter. Animal cultivation counts for about 44% of all AME (anthropogenic methane emissions) So cutting it out of your diet improves animals of all kinds lives, and even everybody around too.
  • You'll look better as well. Becoming vegan or vegetarian is good for your skin and is a less fatty diet so you won't be carrying extra weight. You may think it will be harder to build up muscle but it actually helps you do just that as there are lots of healthier ways to get your protein intake. You also have stronger and more healthy hair plus stronger and more healthy nails and also smell better because being a vegan reduces bad breath and bad body oder
  • You get less tired. Vegans and vegetarians are a lot more energized from their healthy diet and are on the whole more active people.
  • It has shown that vegans feel relief from migraines and headaches.
  • You save food. Meat and raising animals uses more food than you think as animals need to eat grain and other stuff you could be eating every day of their lives and the average butchered farm cow lives 2 years. Dairy cows can live up to ten years and eat a lot.

Here's some more benefits in being a vegan and it's also in more detail

Vegan benefits