Grade 3

September - October

For the first two months of the school year, students will continue to improve their keyboarding skills. We will review the importance of:

  • the home row - a s d f j k l ;

  • proper keyboarding posture

  • accuracy

  • WPM ( words per minute )

Students will use - see Mrs. Kunz if you need your password.

October - November

Students will learn the "Apps" available in their Google Drive - Docs, Slides, Sheets and Classroom. Also this month students will explore various online resources available though the Library - Worldbook Online, Brainpop, Tumblebooks, and PebbleGo.


During the month of December you will be be participating in "Hour of Code." This program is fun, collaborative, and creative! It’s designed to inspire students to continue learning how technology improves real world relationships, connections, and life.

You will learn:

  • basic computer programming

  • higher-order thinking, logic and multi-step problem solving

  • creativity and perseverance.

Use the link below to connect to your section. If you do not remember your “secret words” contact Mrs. Kunz and she will give them to you.

January and February

Happy New Year! During January and February we will continue learning CODING skills. We will be using Ozobots - tiny programmable robots to dive deeper into CODING.

Below are a list of links to explain and explore OZOBOTS:

Ozobot Company Website


Ozobot YouTube Channel

March and April

Students will spend the next two of months learning about DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP. We will explore how to be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE and SAFE when using technology.