Grade 2

September and October

  • Students will learn the routines and procedures of the Library.

  • Students will use the five finger rule to select books.

  • Students will use shelf markers to browse the library shelves.

  • Students will check books out - to take home.

  • Students will learn how to care for their books.

  • Character traits - Respect and Trust

November and December

Students will be reading the John Peterson classic The Littles.

Character Trait - Thankfulness


Character Trait - Responsibility


Character Trait - Honesty

March and April

This month we will be reading Gooseberry Park and the Master Plan by Cynthia Rylant. All of the students are excited to hear what the residents of Gooseberry Park - Kona, Stumpy and Murray - have been up to. This story takes place one year after the first book students read with their ELA teachers.

May and June

For the last two months of the school year, students will learn how to use Chromebooks and be introduced to basic keyboarding skills.

Students will learn the importance of:

  • the home row - a s d f j k l ;

  • proper keyboarding posture

  • accuracy

  • WPM ( words per minute )

Students will use - see Mrs. Kunz if you need your password.