Community Services

Community Services

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Crisis Intervention

Windsor Regional Children’s Centre

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, Huot Building

3901 Connaught Ave.


The Regional Children's Centre is an accredited children's mental health centre serving children and adolescents who are dealing with social, emotional, developmental, and/or behavioural issues, and their families. The Centre offers a variety of crisis stabilization, diagnostic, assessment, treatment, and consultative services designed to promote healthy functioning of children, youth, and their families within the home, school, and community. The Centre offers on-site out-patient and residential services and community based programs.

Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre

2929 Howard Ave.


The Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre is driven by the desire of Aboriginal peoples within the areas of Windsor and Essex County to become a self-sufficient, self-determining, self-governing community. Historically, the Friendship Centre has been the focal point for Aboriginal peoples within the urban environment.

Distress Centre of Windsor-Essex County


Sometimes talking helps! Free, anonymous, and confidential. Caring volunteers provide emotional support, crisis intervention, suicide prevention, and community referrals by telephone.

Drouillard Place

1102 Drouillard Rd.




Drouillard Place is a multi-service provider dedicated to improving the quality of life of residents of the Drouillard and Grandview communities.

Community Crisis Centre

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, Jeanne Mance Building

1030 Ouellette Ave.


(24-hr Crisis Line)

The Community Crisis Centre is a partnership of area hospitals and social organizations committed to providing 24-hour crisis response services to residents of Windsor and Essex County who are experiencing serious mental illness and/or acute psychosocial problems.

A variety of services are provided to reach individuals in crisis, including a 24-hour crisis phone line, 24-hour walk-in service at the Emergency Department at Windsor Regional Hospital – Ouellette campus, a mobile crisis response team, follow-up crisis counseling and referrals, and suicide prevention education programs.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Services for Victims of Assault/Violence

Sexual Assault Crisis Centre

1770 Langlois Ave.



(24 hr Crisis Line)

SACC provides a twenty-four hour crisis line to victims of sexual violence. This service provides emotional support, problem solving strategies, information, and referrals when necessary. It also provides accompaniments in person to the Sexual Assault Treatment Centre and provides information to those who are assisting victims of sexual violence such as friends, family members, and other community organizations. Counselling is available to male and female victims of sexual victimization (sexual assault, sexual abuse and incest) who are thirteen years of age and older and who reside in the Windsor-Essex County area. A counselling program is provided in conjunction with Sexual Assault Treatment Centre/Safe Kids for children less than thirteen years of age and is offered in co-ordination with the Children’s Aid Societies. County services are available. Support is also available for non-offending significant others.

Hiatus House

250 Louis Ave.

519.252.7781 1.800.265.5142 (Toll Free) 519.252.2768


Hiatus House is a social service agency offering confidential intervention for families experiencing domestic violence.

SOS Femmes

A service of Fem'aide

Toronto, ON


(24-hr Crisis Line)

Fem'aide offre aux femmes d'expression française aux prises avec la violence sexiste, du soutien, des renseignements et de l'aiguillage vers les services appropriés dans leur collectivité 24 heures par jour, sept jours par semaine. Fem'aide peut également répondre aux demandes de renseignements faites par les proches des femmes victimes de violence. Fem'aide concentre son intervention auprès des femmes ayant subi de la violence dans une relation intime ou encore de l'agression à caractère sexuel.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Emergency Shelters

Downtown Mission

664 Victoria Ave.


The Mission’s programs and services are open to anyone who comes through the doors in need of assistance. Any person who lacks basic necessities, whether it be food, clothing or shelter, will find help at the Mission. The Sanctuary is an emergency crash-bed program that gives homeless individuals a safe and secure place to rest and sleep at night. Our staff is ready to welcome and assist anyone coming into the Sanctuary for much-needed comfort, warmth and safety.

The Salvation Army (men only)

355 Church St.


The Hostel emergency shelter provides board, lodging and personal needs to homeless males on a short term, infrequent basis. An onsite Canadian Mental Health Association worker provides help. An onsite housing information worker can help find a place to stay. An onsite system navigator works with youth between ages 16 to 24.

Welcome Centre (women only)

263 Bridge Ave.


The Welcome Centre Shelter for Women was established in 1989 and provides emergency shelter to women experiencing homelessness. Our name has changed this year (from The Well-Come Centre for Human Potential) to better identify our mission. The Welcome Centre offers programming to women 18 years of age or over to assist in ending the cycle of homelessness, poverty and violence.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Hospitals with Psychiatric Services

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1030 Ouellette Ave.


Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is a premium healthcare centre offering Rehabilitation Services; Specialized Mental Health & Addictions; Complex Medical and Palliative Care; and Children and Youth Mental Health Services. HDGH has a unique blended model of specialized inpatient beds; outpatient residential beds; as well as outpatient and community services.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Mental Health Services

Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch

1400 Windsor Ave.


CMHA offers a range of services to help people living in Windsor-Essex County. We have a variety of programs and services for the most seriously mentally ill along with those dealing with moderate mental illness and addictions.

We will gladly assist any individual seeking information or resources on mental illness and mental health through Information and Referral Services by calling 519.255.7440.

Mood & Anxiety Treatment Program

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


This program serves individuals 16 – 65 years of age living in Windsor and Essex County as a specialized outpatient, centre-based mental health treatment program providing services to individuals living with severe, complex or treatment resistant mood and/or anxiety disorders. Clients are assessed based on provisional diagnosis, duration of illness, disability caused by illness and risk. Following the psychosocial assessment, psychotherapy, individual and/or group, and psychiatric services are provided.

Ontario Mental Health Helpline


The Mental Health Helpline provides information about mental health services in Ontario. We are funded by the Government of Ontario. A helpful Information and Referral Specialist will answer your call, email or web chat 24/7. Our service is free and confidential. We can provide information about counselling services and supports in your community; listen, offer support and provide strategies to help you meet your goals; provide basic education about mental illness.

Wellness Program for Extended Psychosis

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


The program is designed as a community treatment program that serves individuals in Windsor-Essex ages 18 years and older who suffer from extended psychosis (usually defined as greater than two years). The program goal is to assist individuals to achieve independent living through individual and group sessions, avoid hospital admissions or presentation to the Emergency Room.

OPP MHRU (Mental Health Response Unit)

Ontario Provincial Police (Essex Detachment) / Community Crisis Centre of Windsor-Essex County


Collaborative initiatives between local and provincial police and mental health crisis services have been developed to address the gap in the continuum of existing community crisis services. These specialized teams, consisting of a mental health crisis worker partnered with a specially trained plain clothes police officer work in the community providing intervention to individuals who are in severe distress, or who are experiencing a mental health crisis and whose needs are not being effectively met through the justice system or the health sector. Windsor residents are supported by the Community Outreach and Support Team (C.O.A.S.T.) through a partnership between Windsor Police Services and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. Essex County residents are supported by the Mental Health Response Unit (M.H.R.U.) through a partnership between the Ontario Provincial Police and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.

WPS COAST (Community Outreach and Support Team)

Windsor Police Service / Community Crisis Centre of Windsor-Essex County


Collaborative initiatives between local and provincial police and mental health crisis services have been developed to address the gap in the continuum of existing community crisis services. These specialized teams, consisting of a mental health crisis worker partnered with a specially trained plain clothes police officer work in the community providing intervention to individuals who are in severe distress, or who are experiencing a mental health crisis and whose needs are not being effectively met through the justice system or the health sector. Windsor residents are supported by the Community Outreach and Support Team (C.O.A.S.T.) through a partnership between Windsor Police Services and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. Essex County residents are supported by the Mental Health Response Unit (M.H.R.U.) through a partnership between the Ontario Provincial Police and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

General Counselling

Family Services Windsor-Essex

1770 Langlois Ave.




At Family Services Windsor-Essex, we provide a variety of different programs and services to enrich the community we live in by focusing on the needs of the people in it! We have services available for men, women, children, the LGBT community, people with disabilities as well as seniors and their caregivers. These services are designed specifically with people in mind to help strengthen their relationships with themselves and the people in their lives by helping them manage all areas.

Community Counselling Alliance

CMHA / Citizen Advocacy / Family Services Windsor-Essex / Hospice of Windsor

Family Service Windsor-Essex

1770 Langlois Ave.

Harrow Health Centre Family Health Team

1480 Erie Rd., Harrow

Leamington District Memorial Hospital

194 Talbot St., W., Leamington

Access County Community Support Services

23 Mill St., W., Kingsville




The Community Counselling Alliance is a collaboration between the Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch (CMHA-WECB) and Family Services Windsor-Essex made possible through United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex funding. The program, which began in July 2010, provides individual, couple, family and group therapy. The counselling services are provided by Master’s level Social Work clinicians who utilize best-practice, evidence-based approaches to help clients achieve their desired goals.

A vast range of therapeutic issues are addressed including: stress management, anxiety, depression, parenting issues, self-esteem, family of origin issues, grief and loss, cultural adjustment for new immigrants, anger resolution, older adult life transition, couple/marital therapy, etc. The CCA programs and services work to build on existing individual and family assets in order to further strengthen the resilience of individuals, seniors, and families.

Teen Health Centre

1361 Ouellette Ave., #101


Windsor Essex Community Health Centre, Teen Health Site provides Primary Care and Mental Health/Counselling (individual and group) for youth between the ages of 12-24 years. These services include support and treatment for youth and their family afflicted with an Eating Disorder or Substance Abuse as well as programs to support parents and guardians of youth. Pre and post natal groups are also available to young moms.

Windsor Essex Community Health Centre


The Windsor Essex Community Health Centre was formed as a result of the amalgamation of Teen Health and Sandwich Community Health Centres in 2009. As a community Health Centre our Mission is to support the health and wellness of our vulnerable population in everything we do.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Social and Self Support

Mental Health Connections

370 Erie St., E.


Mental Health Connections is a non-profit agency funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care through Erie St. Clair LHIN to provide services to adults with a mental illness in Windsor and Essex County during their recovery process. The goal of Mental Health Connections is to help people maximize their potential. Our centre provides a welcoming environment in which each person can access a variety of social, recreational, educational, vocational and peer activities – both on-site and in the community. Family support and education is also offered.

Recovery Canada

Parish of the Atonement

2940 Forest Glade Dr.

519.326.3635 (Cindy) 519.727.5916 (Rose) 519.324.0429 (Carolyn)

Recovery International is a self-help mental health program that has been active since 1937 and has groups meeting every week around the world. The Recovery Method is a compilation of many simple, yet practical coping techniques. To gain inner peace, members learn how to change the way they react to the people and situations they have no control over. Members learn how to identify and manage negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors that can lead to emotional distress and stress related physical symptoms. The techniques are mastered through regular attendance at meetings, studying the Recovery literature, and daily practice.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Family Education and Support

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Family-to-Family Education Program

Mental Health Connections

370 Erie St., E.


(Jean Laforge)

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a non-profit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders. Since its inception, NAMI has been dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. The Family-to-Family Program focuses solely on family education and support.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Suicide Prevention and Education

ALIVE! Canada

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, Jeanne Mance Building

1086 Ouellette Ave.


Alive! Canada is a partner in the Community Crisis Centre of Windsor-Essex County and is a program of the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital. We believe that the best prevention is primary prevention. The primary prevention of suicide is through education: teaching one another and the public about suicide.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

General Information

211 Ontario

Community Services and Referral


211 is a helpline and online database of Ontario’s community and social services. 211 is answered and updated by highly-trained specialists.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Addictions Counselling

Alcoholics Anonymous, District 16 (Windsor-Essex)



Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Brentwood Recovery

2335 Dougall Ave.


The Brentwood Recovery Home is dedicated to providing compassionate care and treatment in a residential setting for people whose primary problem is alcohol and drug abuse. In addition, Brentwood provides vital support programs for their families.

Southern Ontario Cocaine Anonymous



Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances. There are no dues or fees for membership; we are fully self supporting through our own contributions. We are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution. We do not wish to engage in any controversy and we neither endorse nor oppose any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay free from cocaine and all other mind-altering substances, and to help others achieve the same freedom.

Concurrent Disorder Program

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


The Concurrent Disorder Program is designed to treat individuals 16 years of age and older with co-occuring mental illness and substance-related issues. Treatment is an intense intervention consisting of simultaneous treatment of all disorders utilizing a structured assessment, group therapy and individual therapy. Treatment is time-limited, primarily modeled after a best practice 24 session program to maintain recovery while the participant continues to function within their own natural environment. Access to the program requires a referral from on of the following: hospitals, psychiatrists and physicians, HDGH Addiction Assessment and Treatment Centre, community mental health providers with accompanying physician/psychiatrist endorsement.

Addiction Assessment and Outpatient Services

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


Designated assessment and referral center in Windsor-Essex for persons in need of an addiction assessment and access to treatment for addictions - alcohol and/or drugs. We accept referrals from all sources including family members and friends. Referrals can be made by contacting this office, in person, or electronically via fax or email. Potential clients need to first complete the Standardized Intake Package, followed by an addiction assessment appointment. Primary linkages are with HDGH Withdrawal Management Services, Westover, Brentwood and House of Sophrosyne Treatment Centres, Probation Services and Children's Aid Society.

Drug & Alcohol Helpline



The Drug and Alcohol Helpline provides information about drug and alcohol addiction services in Ontario. We are funded by the Government of Ontario. A helpful Information and Referral Specialist will answer your call, email or web chat 24/7. Our service is free and confidential. We can provide information about treatment services and supports in your community; listen, offer support and provide strategies to help you meet your goals; and provide basic education about drug and alcohol problems

House of Sophrosyne (women only)

1771 Chappell Ave.


The House of Sophrosyne is a charitable organization that has been active in Windsor-Essex for 35 years, providing programs and services to women and their families who are battling substance misuse. Founded in 1978, the House of Sophrosyne offers community and residential programs to help women struggling with substance abuse. The house takes in female clients for 35 days at a time. The House of Sophrosyne’s stated philosophy is to empower women’s lives with wisdom and balance.

Ontario Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous


NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We meet regularly to help each other stay clean. We are not interested in what or how much you used, but only in what you want to do about your problem and how we can help.

The Salvation Army

355 Church St.


The Salvation Army is an international Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible; its ministry is motivated by love for God and the needs of humanity. The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. There are three core values of our faith – Salvation, Holiness and Intimacy with God. Rooted in these three values are the seven core operational values which guide all aspects of The Salvation Army: Compassion: We reach out to others and care for the; Respect: We promote the dignity of all persons; Excellence: We strive to be the best at what we do and a model for others to emulate; Integrity: We are honest, trustworthy, and accountable; Relevance: We are committed to the pursuit of innovation and effectiveness; Co-operation: We encourage and foster teamwork and partnerships; Celebration: We give thanks by marking milestones and successes.

STAGES Group (CMHA Concurrent Disorders Support Group)

1400 Windsor Ave.


The Concurrent Program provides ongoing support to individuals who are experiencing addiction and mental health issues. The program currently offers individual and group support and case management services. The STAGES group (Sobriety Through Accessing Group Education and Support) provides an ongoing maintenance and peer support for individuals who have already received treatment for addictions.

Withdrawal Management Centre

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


Withdrawal Management Services is a 20 bed, non-medical co-located men and women's facility (15 male beds and 5 female beds). Length of stay is normally 3-4 days. We offer a comfortable, safe and relaxed atmosphere where men and women 16 years of age or older, can withdraw from the effects of drugs (prescription or other) and/or alcohol. Clients must continue to take prescribed medications as directed by physician, however, all medications are turned-in to staff at admission. Medication is self-administered and monitored by staff. Referrals to our program can be made by anyone concerned for the well-being of another, however, admission is voluntary. There is no wait time for admission to our program, but anyone interested in admission is required to call for bed availability. If the centre is full, we provide clients with support in the intensive observation area until a bed becomes available. Close service linkages exist with Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Addictions Assessment & Outpatient Treatment Program, WRH hospital emergency rooms, Windsor Police, House of Sophrosyne, Westover, and Brentwood Treatment Facilities. The program is represented at the local and regional provider networks for addictions.

Women for Sobriety, Inc.

Welcome Centre

263 Bridge Ave.


Women For Sobriety, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women overcome alcoholism and other addictions. It is, in fact, the first national self-help program for women alcoholics. Our "New Life" Program helps achieve sobriety and sustain ongoing recovery. WFS has been providing services to women alcoholics since July, 1976. The WFS "New Life" Program grew out of one woman's search for sobriety. WFS self-help groups are found all across this country and abroad. Based upon a Thirteen Statement Program of positivity that encourages emotional and spiritual growth, the "New Life" Program has been extremely effective in helping women overcome their addictions and embrace a new positive lifestyle.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Medical Support

City Centre Health Care

Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor Essex County Branch

1400 Windsor Ave.


City Centre Health Care is operated by the Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor-Essex County Branch (CMHA-WECB) and is located in the CMHA-WECB offices at 1400 Windsor Ave., Windsor, Ontario. We serve adults, children, babies, and families without a family doctor who live in the catchment area bounded by Crawford Avenue, Tecumseh Road, Central Avenue and Riverside Drive. We also serve adults without a family doctor with a diagnosis of serious mental illness living anywhere in Windsor and Essex County. To access our services, you will need to fill out and return an Intake/Referral Form. These forms can be picked up at City Centre Health Care and/or you can also download the Intake/Referral Form here and mail it to the address at the top of the form. Our group programs are open to anyone living in Windsor-Essex County.

Windsor Essex Community Health Centre

749 Felix Ave.


Collaborative initiatives between local and provincial police and mental health crisis services have been developed to address the gap in the continuum of existing community crisis services. These specialized teams, consisting of a mental health crisis worker partnered with a specially trained plain clothes police officer work in the community providing intervention to individuals who are in severe distress, or who are experiencing a mental health crisis and whose needs are not being effectively met through the justice system or the health sector. Windsor residents are supported by the Community Outreach and Support Team (C.O.A.S.T.) through a partnership between Windsor Police Services and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. Essex County residents are supported by the Mental Health Response Unit (M.H.R.U.) through a partnership between the Ontario Provincial Police and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.

OHIP 400 City Hall Square, Suite 205


At Family Services Windsor-Essex, we provide a variety of different programs and services to enrich the community we live in by focusing on the needs of the people in it! We have services available for men, women, children, the LGBT community, people with disabilities as well as seniors and their caregivers. These services are designed specifically with people in mind to help strengthen their relationships with themselves and the people in their lives by helping them manage all areas.

Essex County Medical Society

400 Building

1720 Howard Avenue, Suite 157


The Essex County Medical Society is District 1 of 11 Districts of Ontario and is one of many local branches of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA). We have over 400 physicians that voluntarily pay dues to belong to the Society. Our motto is "To lead and not to follow." The purpose of this website is to assist the public with help in finding a Family Physician (a list is maintained and updated regularly under 'Doctors Taking Patients'); complaints between Patients/Physician members can be handled through this office; and information on where to find your medical records (can be found under 'Medical Charts').

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Legal Resources

Community Legal Aid

443 Ouellette Ave., 2nd Floor


Community Legal Aid (CLA) offers legal services to low income and vulnerable people to avoid, prepare for and overcome poverty law problems, achieved through a combination of community development and action. CLA provides competent and professional legal services including summary legal advice, full legal representation, and community legal education.

Legal Assistance of Windsor

443 Ouellette Ave., 2nd Floor


Legal Assistance of Windsor (LAW) is a clinical learning project of the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law. Operating in downtown Windsor, we provide legal services for those in our community unable to pay for a private lawyer and a learning opportunity for students.

Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic

595 Tecumseh Rd., E., Suite 3


The Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic is a non-profit community clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario assisting the region of Windsor and Essex County since 1987 and is one of approximately 77 clinics providing community legal services throughout the province. Clinic services are provided by staff lawyers, paralegals and community legal workers experienced in administrative law. They offer representation and legal opinions within the scope of clinic practice as well as referrals to cases where representation is not warranted. In addition, the clinic also engages in outreach activities and events within its defined catchment area. Public Legal Education, Law Reform and Community Development also form part of its mandate to ensure access to justice to its community members and to its local community partners.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Youth Supports

Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association

1500 Ouellette Ave., Suite 100


The Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA) is a not-for-profit, registered charity, community-based organization servicing the counties of Windsor-Essex, Chatham-Kent and Sarnia-Lambton in Ontario, Canada. Since 1983, we’ve been committed to the provision of specialized treatment, education and support services for individuals affected directly and indirectly by eating disorders. As the primary regional source for the prevention and treatment of eating disorders, BANA is a leader in the promotion and acceptance of diverse body shapes and sizes through the adoption of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Since its inception, BANA has provided services to thousands of individuals of all ages, genders and social/economic backgrounds with an ongoing case load of approximately 300 clients. In addition, we annually organize and host 250 educational health promotion presentations and programs that reach more than 20,000 children and adults. Services are provided without age restrictions and are supported by the Ministry of Health and the Erie St. Clair LHIN.

Maryvale Adolescent and Family Services

3640 Wells St.


At Maryvale, we help young people and their families who, for a variety of reasons, are in serious emotional or psychological distress and are not doing well emotionally and mentally in their thinking about themselves and others. They may be highly anxious, depressed, suicidal, feeling worthless and hopeless, or they have lost their willingness to care about others. They may be dealing with debilitating learning disabilities. Some students attend Maryvale during the day for school while others come for after school or weekend programs. Others attend for counselling only to sort out some areas of distress they are facing.

Teen Health Centre

Windsor Essex Community Health Care

1361 Ouellette Ave., #101


Windsor Essex Community Health Centre, Teen Health Site provides Primary Care and Mental Health/Counselling (individual and group) for youth between the ages of 12-24 years. These services include support and treatment for youth and their family afflicted with an Eating Disorder or Substance Abuse as well as programs to support parents and guardians of youth. Pre and post natal groups are also available to young moms.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

LGBTIQ-Friendly Services

Windsor Pride Community

440 Pelissier St.


The Windsor Pride Community is a strong and vibrant not-for-profit organization of committed and driven volunteers led by a Board of Directors. We work for and embrace the entire LGBTIQ community and its allies, no matter your gender, race, culture, creed, age, ability, orientation, economic status or affiliation. We support our committees who, among other things: work to create educational opportunities for the community, including diversity training; work with the local school boards and the Gay-Straight Alliances in schools; work with and support other community organizations; and host seniors' programs and activities.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Older Adults

Alzheimer Society of Windsor and Essex County

2135 Richmond St.


The Alzheimer Society of Windsor & Essex County is a highly respected not-for-profit organization that has provided service to clients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia and their caregivers since 1981 in a warm, caring environment. Our mission is to alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

We strive to achieve this through promoting the rights and well-being of the person with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia (ADRD); providing direct client care through our adult day program, in-home respite services and enhanced personal care; delivering support programs and counseling for individuals affected by the dementias; providing information, educational materials and training opportunities to both informal and formal caregivers; and raising funds to sustain our programs and support research.

Our staff and volunteers provide support programs, educational resources and referral services to ease the burden of care and improve the quality of life for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

e Ontario Provincial Police and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.

Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Team

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


The Geriatric Mental Health Outreach teams serve individuals 65 years and older with serious mental health issues including responsive behviours associated with dementia. The program consists of comprehensive psychogeriatric assessment, psychoeducation, counseling and psychiatric treatment. Individuals can be seen for most intervention in their place of residence whether it be a private home, retirement home or long-term care home. The program aims to enhance the mental health and well-being of individuals living at home, in long-term care homes and in retirement homes, to reduce the need for psychiatric admissions and visits to hospital Emergency Departments, as well as enhance the knowledge and skills of family caregivers and caregiving staff of facilities. Access to the program requires a physician referral, in the case of a long-term care resident the house physician must consent to the involvement of the Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Team.

Geriatric Assessment/Consultation Program

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


By providing specialized geriatric assessment, consultation and care planning services, the Geriatric Assessment – Consultation Program aims to promote independence and to avoid institutionalization of individuals over 65 years of age who are frail, at risk or exhibit complex or multiple problems. The program brings together clients and their caregivers, family practitioners, community agencies and support services to develop an integrated approach to care planning that is specific to each person. Referrals to the program are physician driven. The support and awareness of the family physician is an essential part of the intake process.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Financial Resources

Ontario Works

400 City Hall Square, Windsor

215 Talbot St., Leamington


(Intake Line)



The Ontario Works Act, through the Province of Ontario's Ministry of Community and Social Services provides the framework for the provision of employment and basic financial assistance to persons in need. The City of Windsor's Employment and Social Services Department delivers Ontario Works to residents of Windsor and Essex County.

Ontario Disability Support Program

270 Erie St., E.


If you have a disability and need help with your living expenses, you may be eligible for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). ODSP offers financial assistance to help you and your family with essential living expenses; benefits, for you and your family, including prescription drugs and vision care; and help finding and keeping a job, and advancing your career. If you require immediate financial assistance, please contact your local Ontario Works office (you can also still apply for ODSP). ODSP offers two types of support. Income support is financial assistance provided each month to help with the costs of basic needs, like food, clothing and shelter. Income support also includes benefits, like drug coverage and vision care, for clients and their eligible family members. Employment supports are services and supports to help clients with disabilities find and keep a job, and advance their careers.

Financial Fitness Centre

1770 Langlois Ave.


Visiting Financial Fitness is a unique financial experience. We are a non-profit credit counselling agency. Now, before you stop reading you might want to know what a credit counselling agency does. People come to see us when they have questions about money; the great thing is we are unbiased. We will give you all the information you need without the ulterior motives.. We’re straight shooters and we put all the cards on the table. When you leave our office you will know about every option available to you and where to go to get it. Sometimes people seek our help because they are drowning in debt, others come because they need to get their budget under control. Whatever your financial questions, we have the answers, no pressure, no sales, just answers. Straight honest answers

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Housing Supports

Central Housing Registry

2470 Dougall Ave., Unit 6, Windsor

15C Talbot St., N., Essex



The Central Housing Registry - Windsor Essex County (CHR) maintains a centralized waiting list for most social housing providers in Windsor and Essex County.

Housing Information Services

3450 Ypres, Suite 200


Housing Information Services of Windsor & Essex County Inc. (HIS), a registered charitable organization was formed in 1993 in response to an identified need in the community to establish one local agency that could provide affordable, appropriate and suitable rental housing options to vulnerable consumers in Windsor & Essex County.

Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation

945 McDougall St.


Windsor Essex CHC provides well-maintained, safe and affordable community housing in a respectful and fair manner. We are leaders in the housing sector and contribute to the development and support of strong communities in the City of Windsor and County of Essex.

Windsor Residence for Young Men

1505 Langlois Ave.


Windsor Residence for Young Men is a charitable organization designed to promote the emotional and temporal welfare of homeless male persons, 16 to 20 years of age, with the primary focus of reconciliation with their families.

Community Services

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Crisis Intervention

Windsor Regional Children’s Centre

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, Huot Building

3901 Connaught Ave.


The Regional Children's Centre is an accredited children's mental health centre serving children and adolescents who are dealing with social, emotional, developmental, and/or behavioural issues, and their families. The Centre offers a variety of crisis stabilization, diagnostic, assessment, treatment, and consultative services designed to promote healthy functioning of children, youth, and their families within the home, school, and community. The Centre offers on-site out-patient and residential services and community based programs.

Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre

2929 Howard Ave.


The Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre is driven by the desire of Aboriginal peoples within the areas of Windsor and Essex County to become a self-sufficient, self-determining, self-governing community. Historically, the Friendship Centre has been the focal point for Aboriginal peoples within the urban environment.

Distress Centre of Windsor-Essex County


Sometimes talking helps! Free, anonymous, and confidential. Caring volunteers provide emotional support, crisis intervention, suicide prevention, and community referrals by telephone.

Drouillard Place

1102 Drouillard Rd.




Drouillard Place is a multi-service provider dedicated to improving the quality of life of residents of the Drouillard and Grandview communities.

Community Crisis Centre

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, Jeanne Mance Building

1030 Ouellette Ave.


(24-hr Crisis Line)

The Community Crisis Centre is a partnership of area hospitals and social organizations committed to providing 24-hour crisis response services to residents of Windsor and Essex County who are experiencing serious mental illness and/or acute psychosocial problems.

A variety of services are provided to reach individuals in crisis, including a 24-hour crisis phone line, 24-hour walk-in service at the Emergency Department at Windsor Regional Hospital – Ouellette campus, a mobile crisis response team, follow-up crisis counseling and referrals, and suicide prevention education programs.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Services for Victims of Assault/Violence

Sexual Assault Crisis Centre

1770 Langlois Ave.



(24 hr Crisis Line)

SACC provides a twenty-four hour crisis line to victims of sexual violence. This service provides emotional support, problem solving strategies, information, and referrals when necessary. It also provides accompaniments in person to the Sexual Assault Treatment Centre and provides information to those who are assisting victims of sexual violence such as friends, family members, and other community organizations. Counselling is available to male and female victims of sexual victimization (sexual assault, sexual abuse and incest) who are thirteen years of age and older and who reside in the Windsor-Essex County area. A counselling program is provided in conjunction with Sexual Assault Treatment Centre/Safe Kids for children less than thirteen years of age and is offered in co-ordination with the Children’s Aid Societies. County services are available. Support is also available for non-offending significant others.

Hiatus House

250 Louis Ave.

519.252.7781 1.800.265.5142 (Toll Free) 519.252.2768


Hiatus House is a social service agency offering confidential intervention for families experiencing domestic violence.

SOS Femmes

A service of Fem'aide

Toronto, ON


(24-hr Crisis Line)

Fem'aide offre aux femmes d'expression française aux prises avec la violence sexiste, du soutien, des renseignements et de l'aiguillage vers les services appropriés dans leur collectivité 24 heures par jour, sept jours par semaine. Fem'aide peut également répondre aux demandes de renseignements faites par les proches des femmes victimes de violence. Fem'aide concentre son intervention auprès des femmes ayant subi de la violence dans une relation intime ou encore de l'agression à caractère sexuel.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Emergency Shelters

Downtown Mission

664 Victoria Ave.


The Mission’s programs and services are open to anyone who comes through the doors in need of assistance. Any person who lacks basic necessities, whether it be food, clothing or shelter, will find help at the Mission. The Sanctuary is an emergency crash-bed program that gives homeless individuals a safe and secure place to rest and sleep at night. Our staff is ready to welcome and assist anyone coming into the Sanctuary for much-needed comfort, warmth and safety.

The Salvation Army (men only)

355 Church St.


The Hostel emergency shelter provides board, lodging and personal needs to homeless males on a short term, infrequent basis. An onsite Canadian Mental Health Association worker provides help. An onsite housing information worker can help find a place to stay. An onsite system navigator works with youth between ages 16 to 24.

Welcome Centre (women only)

263 Bridge Ave.


The Welcome Centre Shelter for Women was established in 1989 and provides emergency shelter to women experiencing homelessness. Our name has changed this year (from The Well-Come Centre for Human Potential) to better identify our mission. The Welcome Centre offers programming to women 18 years of age or over to assist in ending the cycle of homelessness, poverty and violence.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Hospitals with Psychiatric Services

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1030 Ouellette Ave.


Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is a premium healthcare centre offering Rehabilitation Services; Specialized Mental Health & Addictions; Complex Medical and Palliative Care; and Children and Youth Mental Health Services. HDGH has a unique blended model of specialized inpatient beds; outpatient residential beds; as well as outpatient and community services.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Mental Health Services

Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch

1400 Windsor Ave.


CMHA offers a range of services to help people living in Windsor-Essex County. We have a variety of programs and services for the most seriously mentally ill along with those dealing with moderate mental illness and addictions.

We will gladly assist any individual seeking information or resources on mental illness and mental health through Information and Referral Services by calling 519.255.7440.

Mood & Anxiety Treatment Program

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


This program serves individuals 16 – 65 years of age living in Windsor and Essex County as a specialized outpatient, centre-based mental health treatment program providing services to individuals living with severe, complex or treatment resistant mood and/or anxiety disorders. Clients are assessed based on provisional diagnosis, duration of illness, disability caused by illness and risk. Following the psychosocial assessment, psychotherapy, individual and/or group, and psychiatric services are provided.

Ontario Mental Health Helpline


The Mental Health Helpline provides information about mental health services in Ontario. We are funded by the Government of Ontario. A helpful Information and Referral Specialist will answer your call, email or web chat 24/7. Our service is free and confidential. We can provide information about counselling services and supports in your community; listen, offer support and provide strategies to help you meet your goals; provide basic education about mental illness.

Wellness Program for Extended Psychosis

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


The program is designed as a community treatment program that serves individuals in Windsor-Essex ages 18 years and older who suffer from extended psychosis (usually defined as greater than two years). The program goal is to assist individuals to achieve independent living through individual and group sessions, avoid hospital admissions or presentation to the Emergency Room.

OPP MHRU (Mental Health Response Unit)

Ontario Provincial Police (Essex Detachment) / Community Crisis Centre of Windsor-Essex County


Collaborative initiatives between local and provincial police and mental health crisis services have been developed to address the gap in the continuum of existing community crisis services. These specialized teams, consisting of a mental health crisis worker partnered with a specially trained plain clothes police officer work in the community providing intervention to individuals who are in severe distress, or who are experiencing a mental health crisis and whose needs are not being effectively met through the justice system or the health sector. Windsor residents are supported by the Community Outreach and Support Team (C.O.A.S.T.) through a partnership between Windsor Police Services and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. Essex County residents are supported by the Mental Health Response Unit (M.H.R.U.) through a partnership between the Ontario Provincial Police and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.

WPS COAST (Community Outreach and Support Team)

Windsor Police Service / Community Crisis Centre of Windsor-Essex County


Collaborative initiatives between local and provincial police and mental health crisis services have been developed to address the gap in the continuum of existing community crisis services. These specialized teams, consisting of a mental health crisis worker partnered with a specially trained plain clothes police officer work in the community providing intervention to individuals who are in severe distress, or who are experiencing a mental health crisis and whose needs are not being effectively met through the justice system or the health sector. Windsor residents are supported by the Community Outreach and Support Team (C.O.A.S.T.) through a partnership between Windsor Police Services and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. Essex County residents are supported by the Mental Health Response Unit (M.H.R.U.) through a partnership between the Ontario Provincial Police and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

General Counselling

Family Services Windsor-Essex

1770 Langlois Ave.




At Family Services Windsor-Essex, we provide a variety of different programs and services to enrich the community we live in by focusing on the needs of the people in it! We have services available for men, women, children, the LGBT community, people with disabilities as well as seniors and their caregivers. These services are designed specifically with people in mind to help strengthen their relationships with themselves and the people in their lives by helping them manage all areas.

Community Counselling Alliance

CMHA / Citizen Advocacy / Family Services Windsor-Essex / Hospice of Windsor

Family Service Windsor-Essex

1770 Langlois Ave.

Harrow Health Centre Family Health Team

1480 Erie Rd., Harrow

Leamington District Memorial Hospital

194 Talbot St., W., Leamington

Access County Community Support Services

23 Mill St., W., Kingsville




The Community Counselling Alliance is a collaboration between the Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch (CMHA-WECB) and Family Services Windsor-Essex made possible through United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex funding. The program, which began in July 2010, provides individual, couple, family and group therapy. The counselling services are provided by Master’s level Social Work clinicians who utilize best-practice, evidence-based approaches to help clients achieve their desired goals.

A vast range of therapeutic issues are addressed including: stress management, anxiety, depression, parenting issues, self-esteem, family of origin issues, grief and loss, cultural adjustment for new immigrants, anger resolution, older adult life transition, couple/marital therapy, etc. The CCA programs and services work to build on existing individual and family assets in order to further strengthen the resilience of individuals, seniors, and families.

Teen Health Centre

1361 Ouellette Ave., #101


Windsor Essex Community Health Centre, Teen Health Site provides Primary Care and Mental Health/Counselling (individual and group) for youth between the ages of 12-24 years. These services include support and treatment for youth and their family afflicted with an Eating Disorder or Substance Abuse as well as programs to support parents and guardians of youth. Pre and post natal groups are also available to young moms.

Windsor Essex Community Health Centre


The Windsor Essex Community Health Centre was formed as a result of the amalgamation of Teen Health and Sandwich Community Health Centres in 2009. As a community Health Centre our Mission is to support the health and wellness of our vulnerable population in everything we do.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Social and Self Support

Mental Health Connections

370 Erie St., E.


Mental Health Connections is a non-profit agency funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care through Erie St. Clair LHIN to provide services to adults with a mental illness in Windsor and Essex County during their recovery process. The goal of Mental Health Connections is to help people maximize their potential. Our centre provides a welcoming environment in which each person can access a variety of social, recreational, educational, vocational and peer activities – both on-site and in the community. Family support and education is also offered.

Recovery Canada

Parish of the Atonement

2940 Forest Glade Dr.

519.326.3635 (Cindy) 519.727.5916 (Rose) 519.324.0429 (Carolyn)

Recovery International is a self-help mental health program that has been active since 1937 and has groups meeting every week around the world. The Recovery Method is a compilation of many simple, yet practical coping techniques. To gain inner peace, members learn how to change the way they react to the people and situations they have no control over. Members learn how to identify and manage negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors that can lead to emotional distress and stress related physical symptoms. The techniques are mastered through regular attendance at meetings, studying the Recovery literature, and daily practice.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Family Education and Support

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Family-to-Family Education Program

Mental Health Connections

370 Erie St., E.


(Jean Laforge)

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a non-profit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders. Since its inception, NAMI has been dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. The Family-to-Family Program focuses solely on family education and support.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Suicide Prevention and Education

ALIVE! Canada

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, Jeanne Mance Building

1086 Ouellette Ave.


Alive! Canada is a partner in the Community Crisis Centre of Windsor-Essex County and is a program of the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital. We believe that the best prevention is primary prevention. The primary prevention of suicide is through education: teaching one another and the public about suicide.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

General Information

211 Ontario

Community Services and Referral


211 is a helpline and online database of Ontario’s community and social services. 211 is answered and updated by highly-trained specialists.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Addictions Counselling

Alcoholics Anonymous, District 16 (Windsor-Essex)



Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Brentwood Recovery

2335 Dougall Ave.


The Brentwood Recovery Home is dedicated to providing compassionate care and treatment in a residential setting for people whose primary problem is alcohol and drug abuse. In addition, Brentwood provides vital support programs for their families.

Southern Ontario Cocaine Anonymous



Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances. There are no dues or fees for membership; we are fully self supporting through our own contributions. We are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution. We do not wish to engage in any controversy and we neither endorse nor oppose any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay free from cocaine and all other mind-altering substances, and to help others achieve the same freedom.

Concurrent Disorder Program

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


The Concurrent Disorder Program is designed to treat individuals 16 years of age and older with co-occuring mental illness and substance-related issues. Treatment is an intense intervention consisting of simultaneous treatment of all disorders utilizing a structured assessment, group therapy and individual therapy. Treatment is time-limited, primarily modeled after a best practice 24 session program to maintain recovery while the participant continues to function within their own natural environment. Access to the program requires a referral from on of the following: hospitals, psychiatrists and physicians, HDGH Addiction Assessment and Treatment Centre, community mental health providers with accompanying physician/psychiatrist endorsement.

Addiction Assessment and Outpatient Services

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


Designated assessment and referral center in Windsor-Essex for persons in need of an addiction assessment and access to treatment for addictions - alcohol and/or drugs. We accept referrals from all sources including family members and friends. Referrals can be made by contacting this office, in person, or electronically via fax or email. Potential clients need to first complete the Standardized Intake Package, followed by an addiction assessment appointment. Primary linkages are with HDGH Withdrawal Management Services, Westover, Brentwood and House of Sophrosyne Treatment Centres, Probation Services and Children's Aid Society.

Drug & Alcohol Helpline



The Drug and Alcohol Helpline provides information about drug and alcohol addiction services in Ontario. We are funded by the Government of Ontario. A helpful Information and Referral Specialist will answer your call, email or web chat 24/7. Our service is free and confidential. We can provide information about treatment services and supports in your community; listen, offer support and provide strategies to help you meet your goals; and provide basic education about drug and alcohol problems

House of Sophrosyne (women only)

1771 Chappell Ave.


The House of Sophrosyne is a charitable organization that has been active in Windsor-Essex for 35 years, providing programs and services to women and their families who are battling substance misuse. Founded in 1978, the House of Sophrosyne offers community and residential programs to help women struggling with substance abuse. The house takes in female clients for 35 days at a time. The House of Sophrosyne’s stated philosophy is to empower women’s lives with wisdom and balance.

Ontario Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous


NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We meet regularly to help each other stay clean. We are not interested in what or how much you used, but only in what you want to do about your problem and how we can help.

The Salvation Army

355 Church St.


The Salvation Army is an international Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible; its ministry is motivated by love for God and the needs of humanity. The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. There are three core values of our faith – Salvation, Holiness and Intimacy with God. Rooted in these three values are the seven core operational values which guide all aspects of The Salvation Army: Compassion: We reach out to others and care for the; Respect: We promote the dignity of all persons; Excellence: We strive to be the best at what we do and a model for others to emulate; Integrity: We are honest, trustworthy, and accountable; Relevance: We are committed to the pursuit of innovation and effectiveness; Co-operation: We encourage and foster teamwork and partnerships; Celebration: We give thanks by marking milestones and successes.

STAGES Group (CMHA Concurrent Disorders Support Group)

1400 Windsor Ave.


The Concurrent Program provides ongoing support to individuals who are experiencing addiction and mental health issues. The program currently offers individual and group support and case management services. The STAGES group (Sobriety Through Accessing Group Education and Support) provides an ongoing maintenance and peer support for individuals who have already received treatment for addictions.

Withdrawal Management Centre

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


Withdrawal Management Services is a 20 bed, non-medical co-located men and women's facility (15 male beds and 5 female beds). Length of stay is normally 3-4 days. We offer a comfortable, safe and relaxed atmosphere where men and women 16 years of age or older, can withdraw from the effects of drugs (prescription or other) and/or alcohol. Clients must continue to take prescribed medications as directed by physician, however, all medications are turned-in to staff at admission. Medication is self-administered and monitored by staff. Referrals to our program can be made by anyone concerned for the well-being of another, however, admission is voluntary. There is no wait time for admission to our program, but anyone interested in admission is required to call for bed availability. If the centre is full, we provide clients with support in the intensive observation area until a bed becomes available. Close service linkages exist with Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Addictions Assessment & Outpatient Treatment Program, WRH hospital emergency rooms, Windsor Police, House of Sophrosyne, Westover, and Brentwood Treatment Facilities. The program is represented at the local and regional provider networks for addictions.

Women for Sobriety, Inc.

Welcome Centre

263 Bridge Ave.


Women For Sobriety, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women overcome alcoholism and other addictions. It is, in fact, the first national self-help program for women alcoholics. Our "New Life" Program helps achieve sobriety and sustain ongoing recovery. WFS has been providing services to women alcoholics since July, 1976. The WFS "New Life" Program grew out of one woman's search for sobriety. WFS self-help groups are found all across this country and abroad. Based upon a Thirteen Statement Program of positivity that encourages emotional and spiritual growth, the "New Life" Program has been extremely effective in helping women overcome their addictions and embrace a new positive lifestyle.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Medical Support

City Centre Health Care

Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor Essex County Branch

1400 Windsor Ave.


City Centre Health Care is operated by the Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor-Essex County Branch (CMHA-WECB) and is located in the CMHA-WECB offices at 1400 Windsor Ave., Windsor, Ontario. We serve adults, children, babies, and families without a family doctor who live in the catchment area bounded by Crawford Avenue, Tecumseh Road, Central Avenue and Riverside Drive. We also serve adults without a family doctor with a diagnosis of serious mental illness living anywhere in Windsor and Essex County. To access our services, you will need to fill out and return an Intake/Referral Form. These forms can be picked up at City Centre Health Care and/or you can also download the Intake/Referral Form here and mail it to the address at the top of the form. Our group programs are open to anyone living in Windsor-Essex County.

Windsor Essex Community Health Centre

749 Felix Ave.


Collaborative initiatives between local and provincial police and mental health crisis services have been developed to address the gap in the continuum of existing community crisis services. These specialized teams, consisting of a mental health crisis worker partnered with a specially trained plain clothes police officer work in the community providing intervention to individuals who are in severe distress, or who are experiencing a mental health crisis and whose needs are not being effectively met through the justice system or the health sector. Windsor residents are supported by the Community Outreach and Support Team (C.O.A.S.T.) through a partnership between Windsor Police Services and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. Essex County residents are supported by the Mental Health Response Unit (M.H.R.U.) through a partnership between the Ontario Provincial Police and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.

OHIP 400 City Hall Square, Suite 205


At Family Services Windsor-Essex, we provide a variety of different programs and services to enrich the community we live in by focusing on the needs of the people in it! We have services available for men, women, children, the LGBT community, people with disabilities as well as seniors and their caregivers. These services are designed specifically with people in mind to help strengthen their relationships with themselves and the people in their lives by helping them manage all areas.

Essex County Medical Society

400 Building

1720 Howard Avenue, Suite 157


The Essex County Medical Society is District 1 of 11 Districts of Ontario and is one of many local branches of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA). We have over 400 physicians that voluntarily pay dues to belong to the Society. Our motto is "To lead and not to follow." The purpose of this website is to assist the public with help in finding a Family Physician (a list is maintained and updated regularly under 'Doctors Taking Patients'); complaints between Patients/Physician members can be handled through this office; and information on where to find your medical records (can be found under 'Medical Charts').

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Legal Resources

Community Legal Aid

443 Ouellette Ave., 2nd Floor


Community Legal Aid (CLA) offers legal services to low income and vulnerable people to avoid, prepare for and overcome poverty law problems, achieved through a combination of community development and action. CLA provides competent and professional legal services including summary legal advice, full legal representation, and community legal education.

Legal Assistance of Windsor

443 Ouellette Ave., 2nd Floor


Legal Assistance of Windsor (LAW) is a clinical learning project of the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law. Operating in downtown Windsor, we provide legal services for those in our community unable to pay for a private lawyer and a learning opportunity for students.

Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic

595 Tecumseh Rd., E., Suite 3


The Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic is a non-profit community clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario assisting the region of Windsor and Essex County since 1987 and is one of approximately 77 clinics providing community legal services throughout the province. Clinic services are provided by staff lawyers, paralegals and community legal workers experienced in administrative law. They offer representation and legal opinions within the scope of clinic practice as well as referrals to cases where representation is not warranted. In addition, the clinic also engages in outreach activities and events within its defined catchment area. Public Legal Education, Law Reform and Community Development also form part of its mandate to ensure access to justice to its community members and to its local community partners.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Youth Supports

Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association

1500 Ouellette Ave., Suite 100


The Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA) is a not-for-profit, registered charity, community-based organization servicing the counties of Windsor-Essex, Chatham-Kent and Sarnia-Lambton in Ontario, Canada. Since 1983, we’ve been committed to the provision of specialized treatment, education and support services for individuals affected directly and indirectly by eating disorders. As the primary regional source for the prevention and treatment of eating disorders, BANA is a leader in the promotion and acceptance of diverse body shapes and sizes through the adoption of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Since its inception, BANA has provided services to thousands of individuals of all ages, genders and social/economic backgrounds with an ongoing case load of approximately 300 clients. In addition, we annually organize and host 250 educational health promotion presentations and programs that reach more than 20,000 children and adults. Services are provided without age restrictions and are supported by the Ministry of Health and the Erie St. Clair LHIN.

Maryvale Adolescent and Family Services

3640 Wells St.


At Maryvale, we help young people and their families who, for a variety of reasons, are in serious emotional or psychological distress and are not doing well emotionally and mentally in their thinking about themselves and others. They may be highly anxious, depressed, suicidal, feeling worthless and hopeless, or they have lost their willingness to care about others. They may be dealing with debilitating learning disabilities. Some students attend Maryvale during the day for school while others come for after school or weekend programs. Others attend for counselling only to sort out some areas of distress they are facing.

Teen Health Centre

Windsor Essex Community Health Care

1361 Ouellette Ave., #101


Windsor Essex Community Health Centre, Teen Health Site provides Primary Care and Mental Health/Counselling (individual and group) for youth between the ages of 12-24 years. These services include support and treatment for youth and their family afflicted with an Eating Disorder or Substance Abuse as well as programs to support parents and guardians of youth. Pre and post natal groups are also available to young moms.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

LGBTIQ-Friendly Services

Windsor Pride Community

440 Pelissier St.


The Windsor Pride Community is a strong and vibrant not-for-profit organization of committed and driven volunteers led by a Board of Directors. We work for and embrace the entire LGBTIQ community and its allies, no matter your gender, race, culture, creed, age, ability, orientation, economic status or affiliation. We support our committees who, among other things: work to create educational opportunities for the community, including diversity training; work with the local school boards and the Gay-Straight Alliances in schools; work with and support other community organizations; and host seniors' programs and activities.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Older Adults

Alzheimer Society of Windsor and Essex County

2135 Richmond St.


The Alzheimer Society of Windsor & Essex County is a highly respected not-for-profit organization that has provided service to clients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia and their caregivers since 1981 in a warm, caring environment. Our mission is to alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

We strive to achieve this through promoting the rights and well-being of the person with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia (ADRD); providing direct client care through our adult day program, in-home respite services and enhanced personal care; delivering support programs and counseling for individuals affected by the dementias; providing information, educational materials and training opportunities to both informal and formal caregivers; and raising funds to sustain our programs and support research.

Our staff and volunteers provide support programs, educational resources and referral services to ease the burden of care and improve the quality of life for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

e Ontario Provincial Police and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.

Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Team

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


The Geriatric Mental Health Outreach teams serve individuals 65 years and older with serious mental health issues including responsive behviours associated with dementia. The program consists of comprehensive psychogeriatric assessment, psychoeducation, counseling and psychiatric treatment. Individuals can be seen for most intervention in their place of residence whether it be a private home, retirement home or long-term care home. The program aims to enhance the mental health and well-being of individuals living at home, in long-term care homes and in retirement homes, to reduce the need for psychiatric admissions and visits to hospital Emergency Departments, as well as enhance the knowledge and skills of family caregivers and caregiving staff of facilities. Access to the program requires a physician referral, in the case of a long-term care resident the house physician must consent to the involvement of the Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Team.

Geriatric Assessment/Consultation Program

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

1453 Prince Rd.


By providing specialized geriatric assessment, consultation and care planning services, the Geriatric Assessment – Consultation Program aims to promote independence and to avoid institutionalization of individuals over 65 years of age who are frail, at risk or exhibit complex or multiple problems. The program brings together clients and their caregivers, family practitioners, community agencies and support services to develop an integrated approach to care planning that is specific to each person. Referrals to the program are physician driven. The support and awareness of the family physician is an essential part of the intake process.

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Financial Resources

Ontario Works

400 City Hall Square, Windsor

215 Talbot St., Leamington


(Intake Line)



The Ontario Works Act, through the Province of Ontario's Ministry of Community and Social Services provides the framework for the provision of employment and basic financial assistance to persons in need. The City of Windsor's Employment and Social Services Department delivers Ontario Works to residents of Windsor and Essex County.

Ontario Disability Support Program

270 Erie St., E.


If you have a disability and need help with your living expenses, you may be eligible for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). ODSP offers financial assistance to help you and your family with essential living expenses; benefits, for you and your family, including prescription drugs and vision care; and help finding and keeping a job, and advancing your career. If you require immediate financial assistance, please contact your local Ontario Works office (you can also still apply for ODSP). ODSP offers two types of support. Income support is financial assistance provided each month to help with the costs of basic needs, like food, clothing and shelter. Income support also includes benefits, like drug coverage and vision care, for clients and their eligible family members. Employment supports are services and supports to help clients with disabilities find and keep a job, and advance their careers.

Financial Fitness Centre

1770 Langlois Ave.


Visiting Financial Fitness is a unique financial experience. We are a non-profit credit counselling agency. Now, before you stop reading you might want to know what a credit counselling agency does. People come to see us when they have questions about money; the great thing is we are unbiased. We will give you all the information you need without the ulterior motives.. We’re straight shooters and we put all the cards on the table. When you leave our office you will know about every option available to you and where to go to get it. Sometimes people seek our help because they are drowning in debt, others come because they need to get their budget under control. Whatever your financial questions, we have the answers, no pressure, no sales, just answers. Straight honest answers

Crisis Intervention | Services for Victims of Assault/Violence | Emergency Shelters | Hospitals with Psychiatric Services | Mental Health Services | General Counselling | Social and Self Support | Family Education and Support | Suicide Prevention and Education | General Information | Addictions Counselling | Medical Support | Legal Resources | Youth Supports | LGBTIQ-Friendly Services | Older Adults | Financial Resources | Housing Supports

Housing Supports

Central Housing Registry

2470 Dougall Ave., Unit 6, Windsor

15C Talbot St., N., Essex



The Central Housing Registry - Windsor Essex County (CHR) maintains a centralized waiting list for most social housing providers in Windsor and Essex County.

Housing Information Services

3450 Ypres, Suite 200


Housing Information Services of Windsor & Essex County Inc. (HIS), a registered charitable organization was formed in 1993 in response to an identified need in the community to establish one local agency that could provide affordable, appropriate and suitable rental housing options to vulnerable consumers in Windsor & Essex County.

Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation

945 McDougall St.


Windsor Essex CHC provides well-maintained, safe and affordable community housing in a respectful and fair manner. We are leaders in the housing sector and contribute to the development and support of strong communities in the City of Windsor and County of Essex.

Windsor Residence for Young Men

1505 Langlois Ave.


Windsor Residence for Young Men is a charitable organization designed to promote the emotional and temporal welfare of homeless male persons, 16 to 20 years of age, with the primary focus of reconciliation with their families.