Daily Schedule

St. Michael's Adult Education offers three types of courses and a cooperative education program.

Hybrid course content is presented and completed online with either face-to-face teacher support available on regular school days or teacher support available online.

Online course content is presented and completed online with teacher support available online.

ESL courses are taught traditionally face-to-face with regular day classes. Students are expected to attend classes on a daily basis.

St. Michael’s Adult Secondary School’s priority is to offer an array of learning modes which best match our Adult students’ needs so that they achieve success. Research clearly shows a student’s greatest opportunity for success is regular teacher contact. If a certain mode is not working, nor allowing for regular progress, the student will be advised and possibly offered a new mode in the next block.

Hybrid ( Face-to-Face / Online)

Students must be completing and submitting assignments at least every 5 days-for each course enrolled to be marked present for the week. If an assignment is completed and submitted during the week the student will be marked present all week. If the student does not complete an assignment during the week they are marked absent all week. This is the minimum standard. After 10 consecutive days of no assignments turned in the student will be contacted by the teacher or administration. Students who are absent for 15 consecutive days of instruction must be removed from the course. Students who do not meet this expectation will be contacted by the teacher to determine the reason and the next course of action. The administration will assist the Guidance Counselor to ensure our Student’s Success.

E-Learning ( Full Online)

Students need to be completing and submitting assignments at least every 3 days for each course enrolled. Students who do not meet this expectation will be contacted by the teacher to determine the reason and the next course of action. If at any time the teacher believes the credit is in jeopardy, the Guidance Counselor will be contacted and a meeting will be scheduled with the student. The administration will assist the Guidance Counselor to ensure our Student’s Success. Failure to comply with the expectation of submitting assignments regularly and on time will result in removal from the course. E-Learning attendance is handled the same as hybrid.

Independent Study

The objective of Independent Study is for the student to complete the course in one month, twenty lessons in twenty days, or one lesson per day. Students work on one course at a time. The maximum length of an I/S course will be two months. Regular face to face contact with the teacher is mandatory for success. The expectation is that the student submits work regularly. Independent Study Course work does not count towards full-time student status. Course work will be shared digitally with students.