Current Message To Students

Email Sent to All Students September 9


You are receiving this email as you are in the process of registering at St. Michael's Adult Secondary School.

We have been working VERY hard to make sure we are ready for your SAFE return to Face to Face support and

our regular Hybrid Online Programming.

ESL Classes begin September 10, 2020. All Registered ESL Students were called to receive class information.

If you are in the ESL program and have not received a call contact the school tomorrow at 519.946.3761.

All other programs will begin next week. DO NOT come to the school until you receive your scheduled class times by email.

This will occur over the next few days as we are still registering classes. All other programs will begin NEXT WEEK.


Cohorting refers to the practice of keeping students together in small groups throughout their school day,

with limited exposure to multiple teachers or a wide variety of classmates. This practice limits the number

of other students that a single student is in contact with throughout the day and will also assist with

contact tracing should that be necessary. Every student will be placed in a Cohort and have specific times

to meet with teachers. All students must follow their schedule.

St. Michael’s class sizes will have approximately 15 students.

There will be two cohorts: A and B.

Students will be asked to sign in to each class they attend for contact tracing.

Students with the last name beginning with the letter A to the letter I are Cohort A.

Students with the last name beginning with the letter J to the letter Z are Cohort B.


When do I start classes?

  • ESL Classes will start tomorrow for those contacted by phone. (See schedule below)

  • Hybrid courses will be available online starting September 14, 2020

  • For Hybrid courses, the in-school support component will begin the week of September 14. Students may visit class only during the period they have been assigned.

  • Instructions for student’s mytools2go accounts and accessing D2L will be available online.

  • See the schedule below


Respiratory Etiquette: Wearing A Mask

Masks are helpful in controlling the spread of infection at a community level by reducing viral spread by an infected person through droplets (source control).

Effective immediately and until further notice, all adult students are required to wear non-medical

or cloth masks that cover their nose, mouth and chin while indoors in school, including in hallways

and during class. The Board reserves the right to amend it's mask standard at any time in the interest

of student and staff safety.

Students not wearing masks may be subject to school/Board disciplinary measures.

Students who seek an exemption from the mask requirements on the basis they are medically fragile or have pre-existing medical conditions must provide a doctor’s note affirming that wearing a face mask could exacerbate their condition and be harmful to them. In such cases the board shall provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code.


  • To enter the school, only the main doors will be unlocked.

  • These doors will be unlocked at 8:55 a.m. (15 minutes prior to class start)

  • Students will not be permitted to enter through the parking lot doors as all students and visitors must come in through the main entrance.

  • Only registered students may enter the building. Prospective students or new registrants must apply online or contact the school to be given an appointment to enter the building by calling 519.946.3761


  • When in the hallway students will maintain social distancing, follow all traffic flow markings posted, and abide by the directional arrows and signage posted on the walls.

  • There will be no areas to congregate (gather) at any time. If you are in the building you must be in your classroom.


  • Lunchtime will be from 1:05 - 1:45.

  • During this time NO students will be permitted in the building. All students must vacate the building during this time.

If you have questions call the school at 519.946.3761

We are looking forward to seeing you.

The St. Michael's Team