RBL Support

Build leadership capacity to implement, sustain and scale blended learning.

Leadership Convenings

RBL leadership teams attend annual convenings to reflect on district progress toward achieving RBL business plan objectives and build continued momentum for change.

Curated Site Visits

Seeing is believing, and site visits are among the most impactful tools for shifting teacher and district mindsets from "we might" to "we can." Visit other RBL districts or explore campuses virtually to observe new school models and the RBL-IC design pillars and strategies in action.

RBL Workshops

Workshops unlock for teachers and campus leaders how to put blended learning into action. Workshops develop a clear understanding of the core elements of the RBL-Implementation Continuum (IC) and consider various approaches for implementing strategies aligned to the RBL-IC.

Discovery Driven Planning (DDP)

DDP provides a cyclical iteration process to conduct pilot classroom walkthroughs using the RBL-IC, reflect on blended implementation progress, and identify next steps to achieve incremental, positive change.

Office Hours

Strategic consulting sessions regarding all aspects of implementation support.

Grant Support

RBL districts receive up to $300,000 and intensive technical assistance over three years to implement their blended learning plans.