Reporting to Parents

Term 1: On Wednesday 17th February, starting at 5.30 pm, we will be having our Parent information meeting. This will be an outline of how the Senior Syndicate operates and how we intend to get the best out of the year with your child(ren). This will include information about the School Camp. At about 6.30 pm there will be a brief opportunity to visit the classrooms and meet the teachers. At 6.45pm there will be a meeting for all parents that are coming to help us run the Camp.

Parent interviews are held early in Term 1. These provide an opportunity to discuss how your child has settled in, and enable you to share any information that will help the teachers support your child in the classroom, and set a goal or two for the term ahead.

Term 2: Mid year reports at the end of the term followed by parent interviews. The midyear reports will include judgements in Literacy and Numeracy as to how your child is tracking against the expected NZ Curriculum levels. 

Term 3: Student-led conferences. This will be where your child will guide you through their learning, sharing their goals, some of their work and what their next steps are.

Term 4: End of year summary reports at the end of the term. As with the mid year reports these reports include judgements in Literacy and Numeracy as to how your child is tracking against the expected NZ Curriculum levels. They will also include more information on other curriculum areas and for Year 5's their classroom and teacher for next year.

In the meantime do feel free any time to pop in and say Hi!