
Swimming starts Week 3 and goes for 8 sessions. For the Middle School swimming aims to start on Tuesday 16th February. However, this is weather dependent. The school has contracted EasySwim Swim School again to run our swimming programme and keep the pool operational.

This means that on the day they have swimming they will do 30 minutes of swimming.

There will be 8 lessons split between swimming stroke development and water safety skills (this will build on from what they learnt in T4 of 2021).

Please make sure children are organised for their lessons on their swimming days and all clothing, togs and towels etc. are named.

By the time children are in Year 3 and 4, they should be able to change themselves. Due to the Red Guidelines, we are limiting people onsite. We will put some additional support in for any Year 2 children in Rm 5 who need additional support. Please contact Sarah-Grace if this raises any issues so you can resolve them with her directly.

It is essential that children apply their sunscreen before coming to school, especially on areas that will be more exposed in their swimsuit than in the clothes they wear normally. We will encourage children to reapply as they change after their swimming lesson.

T1 Swimming timetable Middles 2022