Drama Club

Please join us in the auditorium after school on Late Start Wednesdays 3:15-4:00pm to get updates on important theatre happenings and have some fun!

Troupe Director: Krista Duffy

Thespian Officers 2023-24

President: Izzie Trahan

Vice President: Lilly Terry

Treasurer: Sophie Hoidahl

Treasurer Apprentice: Mo Terry

Secretary: Taylor Royle

Secretary Apprentice: Greyson Funk

Historians: Jake Bagger & Marti Chapman

Historian Apprentice: Lizbeth Mendez-Ruiz


1) You do not have to be a Thespian to participate in our drama club; though, there are some opportunities that are much more accessible through enrolling in the International Thespian Society. You must log 100 hours of  dedicated work in the theatre to become a Thespian. Students cannot receive all hours from a single production. This allows us to align Thespian and lettering requirements without allowing students to lettering after a standalone production. You can also letter in theatre without ever becoming a Thespian. Please see the Thespians page for more information. You may also be interested in visiting schooltheatre.org and Oregon's Thespian page at oregonthespians.org.

2) Students do not have to be in a theatre class, be a drama club participant, or a Thespian to audition for shows that are not part of a specific class' curriculum. Please understand, however, that this is quite a commitment and should not be taken lightly. Come to all auditions with a general idea of what major rehearsal conflicts will be, like difficult to schedule appointments or vacations. 

3) Board Members, voted for by the drama club, meet Tuesdays of Late Start weeks after school. Board Members meet with the club as a whole on Late Start Wednesdays after school in the auditorium. If you are interested in a position as Board Member, see one of our current Board Members or Mrs. Duffy for information. 

Apply For Drama Board

Elections will be held in June of 2024.

Drama Club Board Application