Students' Creations

Department of English Language & Literature

Semester: 2018 Spring

Students' Initiatives

Students' Remarkable Output

A student diary (Rustaq College of Education)

As usual I wake up very early in the morning at 3 AM to be precise. I like to call myself an early bird, yet I doubt the existence of any sensible creature at that time. All my family members scorn me for being a “Nocturnal Animal”, I don’t mind the teasing, since I am the one who understand my interest best. I would start the day by checking my to-do list, in spite of the fact that it makes me sick to my stomach. The scene of the endless list of assignments and homework feels like getting splashed into a cascade of negativity, and if I were forthright to myself, it’s not a healthy thing to do to start a new day. Afterwards, I fetch a scrap of paper -which I happen to always have within reach- then, start writing down three goals to achieve in that particular day.

I would later take a quick glance at my email, wishing with every fabric of my body not to have additional homework or assignments posted there. At roughly 3:40 I would start working on my studies and homework. The same monotonous routine that all college students are familiar with, like doing some readings and writings. I would spare some time -If Possible- to watch some YouTube videos and reading about the latest hits in the tech industry.

At 5 Am, I would go to take a shower. The process of showering itself is not a mere morning ritual to me. I consider the tube as the sanctuary where I can vent all my grudges, and as a fertile ground in which most of my novel ideas are born. It may sound like a bit of stretch for some, yet I can assure that it’s 100% true. I usually listen to the BBC Global News Podcast in the shower, I have been listening to the news for three consecutive years now, and I have to admit the the more I listen the more depressing I find it. After the shower, I would start reading a fictional novel. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what got me into reading novels on the first place, nonetheless, I am doing it now, and surely I am enjoying it.

Usually have my breakfast at 6 a.m., accompanied with my brothers, I would fire up my bluetooth speaker again to watch the CNN 10 morning program, they would listen with me and whenever I start laughing at the anchor’s jokes and puns they would look at me with a frowny puzzled face. I would assume that they’re trying to dissect the reasoning behind my giggles, I may explain the matter if I felt like it, otherwise I would snobe them to go on in my day.

After the breakfast, I would try to finish up some morning chores, like tidying up my bed, sweeping the carpet and getting rid of the bin bag. When everything seems neat and set, I would lock up my room and hop into my car.

It’s five to seven in the morning and the parking lot of the college is empty. The atmosphere is very bleak, as if I am visiting a vampire mansion filled with precarious mysteries. Greeting the gait guard in my entrance I notice right of the bat the dozens of janitors scattered all around the campus sweeping, mopping, and mowing the lawn. It’s too early for the 8 Am class -obviously- so I decided to go to the studying lounge where I do more reading and get ready for the upcoming classes.

Getting into the class at 7:45, nobody is around except Shadh, I assume just like me, she’s a morning person. I sit on the front raw as usual, waiting for others to come. By the time my friends arrive, a surge of euphoria penetrates my soul. The feeling is as if I have been inoculated with a doping drug. The atmosphere shifts to be more of a serene one, all the staleness of the day vanishes at once. Right away we start goofing around and poking fun at each other. Abdullah would start teasing me for my two weeks unshaven beard, I would try to ignore him and condone his comments. Seldom do I consider my look. I do care about my hygiene, that’s for sure, but not much for anything else. If others were to befriend me, they better do it for my substance, not style. Though, the honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever, at 8 o’clock the professor enters the class, then it hits me as if somebody grabbed a slag hammer and attacked me on my chest.

After finishing up with my classes, I would stay at the college till 4 p.m., revising my notes and juggling between the offices in the A building. And that what I would describe as a typical day for a student in Rustaq College of Education.

Written by: Zakaria Younis Al Hashmi.