Our staff

Meet our fine arts staff!

Kate Newtown

  Kate Newtown

    K-12 Art CoordinatorArt Instructor JCC EDGE Adjunct(High School)
Heather Harrison

Heather Wood

K-12 Music Coordinator, 5th Grade Music/Band Instructor (Middle School)

Crystal Walsemann

Fine Arts/Athletic Secretary

Peter Basta

Elementary Art Instructor(Black River Elementary and West Carthage)
Christiane Bowman

Christiane Bowman

Elementary Music Instructor(West Carthage and Carthage Elementary)
Susan Swanson

Susan Swanson

Elementary Music Instructor(Black River and Carthage Elementary)
Mary Compeau

Mary Compeau

2D Art Instructor(Middle School)
Jamie Peck

Jamie Peck

3D Art Instructor(Middle School)

Chris Autote

Christopher Autote

General Music, Choral Instructor(Middle School)

Maresa Badour

Maresa Badour

Band Instructor (Middle School)

Elizabeth O'Neill-Krop

Elizabeth O'Neill-Krop

Elementary Art Instructor

(Carthage Elementary andWest Carthage)

Kari Laubscher

Kari Hoppel

5th Grade Art (Middle School)Art Instructor (High School)

Morgan Townsend

Morgan Townsend

Electronic Music Instructor
(Middle School)

James Goodenbery

James Goodenbery

8th Grade Music (Middle School), Music/Theater Arts Instructor(High School)

Ann Lennox

Ann Lennox

Choral Instructor (High School)

Jennifer Waterhouse

Jennifer Waterhouse

Band InstructorJCC EDGE Adjunct(High School)

Kerri Williamson

5th Grade Art & MS ElectivesHS Foundations