Executive Board
2025 Carolina TESOL Executive Board
Past President
Publications Editor
South Carolina Advocacy Coordinator
North Carolina Advocacy Coordinator
Conference Coordinator
Member Coordinator/Webmaster
Tamara Coburn
Professional Development Coordinator
Regional Representatives
Western (7-8): Stephanie Ballance
Piedmont (5-6): Analia Wells
Central (3-4): Yeison Herrera
Eastern (1-2): Leona Mason
Upstate: Sharon Jackson
Midlands: John Spigner
Pee Dee: Richard McCabe
Lowcountry: Tanya Aebersold
Executive Board Job Descriptions
Vice President/President-Elect Job Description
Attends all Executive and Advisory Board meetings and Annual Business Meeting.
Before becoming President, prepares a calendar of events (including a schedule of Board meetings) for the year that he/she will be President, to be given out either when he/she assumes the presidency or at the first Board meeting
Represents the affiliate at the TESOL Convention.
Serves as the official Affiliate Liaison to TESOL--maintains routine communication with the Director of Field Services at the TESOL Central office.
Here are some responsibilities of the liaison officer:
Submits the annual affiliate report and coordinates with the treasurer to pay the affiliate dues to TESOL on or before TESOL's deadline.
Keeps TESOL up-to-date about names and contact information of the elected affiliate officers.
Receives affiliate correspondence (except that for the Newsletter Editor) from TESOL Central Office on behalf of the affiliate;
Disseminates information from TESOL to the appropriate leaders and other interested members of the affiliate as quickly as possible, delegating requests from the TESOL Central office to others on the Executive Board and in the affiliate, when suitable; and ensures that information and requests from TESOL are announced, discussed and acted upon in a timely manner.
Chairs Executive/Advisory Board/Annual Business meetings in the absence of the President.
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer prior to the January Board meeting
Assumes the duties of the President if the office becomes vacant, or at the end of his/her year as President-Elect.
President Job Description
Attends and presides at all Executive and Advisory Board Meetings, as well as at the affiliate annual business meeting (reviews Roberts Rules for protocol).
Notifies Board members of meetings.
Creates agendas for Board meetings (communicated in advance to people who will be attending). Arranges for space, refreshments, etc. for meetings.
Ensures that there is an official Carolina TESOL representative attending SE Regional Council meetings, both at SE Regional Conferences and at the TESOL Convention.
May represent the affiliate at Board meetings of NCAIE, FLANC, SCFLTA, SECOL, NAFSA, and other related professional organizations when appropriate.
Attends the TESOL Convention as Affiliate Liaison if the VP/PE is unable to do so.
Contributes a President's Letter for each Newsletter during term of office.
Makes appointments to fill vacancies on the Executive Board and the Advisory Board (with the advice and consent of the Executive Board)
Oversees follow-up actions to items decided by the Executive Board.
Liaisons with and trains the President-Elect extensively.
Ensures that a Nominating Committee is appointed shortly after the first meeting after the annual election.
Handles problems and complaints.
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer prior to the January Board meeting
Past President Job Description
Attends all Executive and Advisory Board meetings and Annual Business Meeting
Assists the President in duties as requested
Oversees the choice and presentation of the Carolina TESOL service award as circumstances warrant
Finalizes projects begun during term as President
Assumes the Role of Nominating Chairperson
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer prior to the January Board meeting
Secretary Job Description
Attends Executive/Advisory Board meetings and Annual Business Meeting.
Records the minutes during each meeting. Distributes minutes to Board members within two weeks after each meeting.
Compiles minutes of internet discussions. Determines the format of such discussions (such as requiring that any message be limited to discussion of a single topic, which is referenced in the 'subject' line). Determines the format of such minutes (distributed when requested by an elected Executive Board member), which will include records of who participates in discussion of each issue and the decisions reached.
Sends copy of minutes to Historian for archival purposes; provides a copy of all minutes since the previous Newsletter deadline to the Editor: uploads a copy of the minutes to the Carolina TESOL shared drive.
Conducts correspondence of the affiliate as assigned.
Maintains affiliate calendar. Sends updated information to the Newsletter Editor and to appropriate organizations. Assists the webmaster in updating the calendar on the Carolina TESOL website as changes occur.
Maintains copies of Carolina TESOL officer job descriptions. Posts a copy on Carolina TESOL shared drive when reviewed and approved by the Board annually.
Maintains copy of Carolina TESOL Constitution/Bylaws. Updates the Constitution and Bylaws on the shared drive as amendments are approved.
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer one week prior to the spring board meeting if there are any projected expenses.
Maintain and organize electronic files.
Create accounts and assign emails to new board members
Treasurer Job Description
Attends all Executive and Advisory Board Meetings and Annual Business Meeting
Works with Membership Coordinator to ensure a timely deposit of dues received and payment of refunds as needed.
Keeps Carolina TESOL checkbook account in balance with bank statements. Deposits funds in interest-bearing accounts when there is a surplus of funds over current and projected needs.
Reimburses Board members, conference Chairs, or others designated by the Board for legitimate expenses when items are submitted to the Treasurer on Expense Report forms.
Disburses advances as authorized by the Board. Reconciles advance payments with receipts.
Works with conference Chairs to establish a budget and set fees based on previous conferences. Makes timely deposits of conference fees and payments of expenses.
Keeps Executive Board aware of the financial position of the affiliate. Carries out decisions and policies of the Executive Board.
Maintains a computer file of all Carolina TESOL expense and income accounts and keeps it up to date. Uses these files to generate financial statements for Board meetings, official conference reports, and year-end expense statements.
Keeps a permanent record of each fiscal year, and keeps a backup of the master copy.
At the fall meeting, request budgets from all Board members. Combine all budget requests into one budget proposal to be approved at the January Board meeting.
Submits f990 federal tax form for non-profits by Dec 15 for the previous fiscal year.
Make and pay for plane and hotel reservations for Board-approved travel
Make hotel reservations for Board meetings and book meeting rooms for Board meetings
Membership Coordinator Job Description
Maintain current membership records through organization’s website by approving new member requests upon receipt of the membership fee
Attend all Executive and Advisory Board meetings and Annual Business Meeting
Submit Membership Renewal Instructions to the Publications Editor and/or Webmaster for publication in the fall and winter newsletters, for email distribution, and for advertisement in other social media platforms
Update and distribute membership application to Regional Representatives by 1 week prior to the spring board meeting of each year and upon request
Collect and deposit membership fees as received; communicate financial deposits to treasurer
Provide membership report for each Board meeting
Submit current membership report to Publications Editor for winter issue
Following the fall conference (or when requested), provide Regional Representatives with a list of the members in their region and their contact information
Maintain contact list of ESL professionals across the Carolinas, as made available by the Regional Representatives
Maintain contact lists of:
the Chairs of ESL programs at institutions of higher education (as provided by the Higher Ed Interest Section Chair)
community college ESL program heads (as provided by the adult ed. Chair)
the ESL consultants of the states education departments
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer prior to the January Board meeting
Conference Chair Job Description
Negotiates contracts with the host hotel.
Manage/guide keynote speaker committee.
Manage/guide proposals committee.
Select conference swag.
Divide up jobs/assignments among the executive board during the conference.
Meet with the hotel representatives prior to the conference.
Liaison between the hotel and the executive board.
Manage/oversee vendors
Coordinates with the treasurer to purchase required materials for the conference (swag, programs, door prizes, etc.)
Determine the theme for the conference.
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer prior to the January Board meeting
Publications Editor Job Description
Attends all Executive and Advisory Board Meetings.
Creates and publishes the Carolina TESOL Newsletter at least four times a year (January, April, July, October)
Coordinates with various persons for submission to the newsletter of articles/information/advertising:
Affiliate Partner Liaison, if any(TESOL International, SETESOL)
Carolina TESOL Historical(?) Committee
Conference Coordinator and/or Conference Chairs
Interest Section Chairs (K-12, Adult Education, Higher Education)
Membership Coordinator
Professional Development Coordinator
Regional Representatives
Secretary (affiliate calendar, Executive Board minutes)
State Education Departments (ESL, Migrant Education)
Manages social media accounts
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer prior to the January Board meeting
Maintains branding, graphics, and templates folder for board members to use when advertising events.
Creates and distributes information about approved campaigns and events.
Advocacy Coordinator Job Description
The overall goal is for the Advocacy Coordinator to serve as an intermediary between the Board and membership regarding state and/or national issues related to the teaching of English to speakers of other languages. This will be a 3-year appointment and will come up for renewal at officer election time at the end of the third year. Co-coordinators will be appointed so that both North Carolina and South Carolina have representation necessary for specific state and local governmental coordination as appropriate.
Chairs a committee of advocacy-minded Carolina TESOL members. Holds regular meetings during legislative terms and provides updates on action items to membership.
Submits a legislative update or other material on policy relating to ESL issues to the Publications Editor when appropriate
Maintains a current list of and contact information for state (NC and SC respectively) and federal legislators
Develops contacts with Advocacy Committees in other TESOL, Inc. affiliates
Brings recommendations for action to the Executive Board (e.g. development of a Carolina TESOL position paper on a specific issue)
Submits important links to the webmaster for the Advocacy section of the website.
Collaborates with the Publications Editor to post action alerts and other relevant information on the Carolina TESOL social media accounts and website.
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer prior to the January Board meeting
Regional Representatives Job Description
Attend executive board meetings and annual business meetings and provide regular updates to the board on relevant activities in the region
Attend the Carolina TESOL Fall Conference and participate fully as directed by the president and conference coordinator
Recruit members from the corresponding regional area and maintain an updated list of members from that area
Plan and facilitate at least one regional event to support members in your area each year
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer prior to the January Board meeting
Represent Carolina TESOL at relevant events in the region and, when possible, at events outside the region (e.g., Southeast TESOL, International TESOL)
Gather and report information regarding significant TESOL-related events, people, and/or activities for the newsletter quarterly.
Professional Development Coordinator Job Description
Evaluate the professional needs across the Carolinas and plan professional learning opportunities to meet those needs
Collaborate effectively with states’ governmental education agencies
Submit an annual Professional Development plan to the Executive Board for approval
Attend executive board meetings and annual business meeting and provide regular updates to the board on relevant professional development needs, events, and trends
Attend the Carolina TESOL Fall Conference and participate fully as directed by the president and conference coordinator
Submits a proposal for a yearly budget to the Treasurer prior to the January Board meeting
Coordinate professional learning events, including making arrangements for: facilitator, venue/platform, registration, food, copies, and all other necessary equipment and items
Designate PD committee members to facilitate events and/or to assist with event duties as needed
Communicate information regarding relevant PD events to Publications Editor and Webmaster for publication purposes - throughout the year and for each newsletter