
Carolina TESOL Bylaws

Article I: Membership

Section 1: Membership Year

1.      The membership year runs from the date of the Carolina TESOL fall conference to December 31st of the following year.

2.    New members paying/applying for membership at the same time as payment/registration for the annual fall conference will extend their membership to December 31st of the following year.  (This does not include renewals or lapsed memberships.)

Section 2: Dues

1.      Annual dues are $15 and are not prorated during the year.

2.     Lifetime memberships are available and shall be 10 times the membership fee.

Section 3: Joining and Membership Renewal

1.      Individuals may join at any time by filling out an online membership application and paying the membership dues.

2.      E-blasts will be sent to inform members of membership status as the renewal date each year is January 1st of  each year.

Section 4: Membership Benefits

1.      All members in good standing have the following benefits:

a)     Voting for members of the Executive Board

b)     Holding office on the Executive and Advisory Board

c)      Applying for Carolina TESOL grants

d)     Receiving electronic publications and announcements

e)     Accessing the Carolina TESOL website and its resources

f) Applying for annual TESOL International Advocacy & Policy Summit

g) Occasional discounts on workshops and events

Section 5: Discrimination and Harassment

1.      Carolina TESOL prohibits its Board, membership, and any other affiliated persons (including guests) from harassing and/or discriminating against any other member or affiliated person on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, language background, disability, health/medical condition, including HIV/AIDS, age, religion, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

Section 6: Termination of Membership

1.      Membership will lapse if a member fails to renew membership electronically after three notifications.

2.      Membership may also be terminated for cause. The steps to be taken are as follows:

a)     If a written grievance is brought to the Executive Board, the member in question will be offered the opportunity to respond to the grievance in writing.

b)     Members involved in the grievance may appear in person if they so choose. Termination of membership requires a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Executive Board

c)      Any member whose membership is terminated will be notified by the Executive Board in writing by certified mail.

3.      Should a grievance involve any board member, that member must recuse themselves from deliberation.

Article II: Carolina TESOL Officers

Section 1: General

1.      The officers of Carolina TESOL shall consist of elected and appointed leaders.

Section 2: Elected Officers

1.      In additional defining of the elected members of its Executive Board as specified in Article IV of the Constitution, Carolina TESOL’s Regional Representatives will consist of eight members, four for each respective state based on the needs of their state.

Section 3: Appointed Officers

1.      Except for chairs chosen by Interest Sections, as described in Article V below, the President, with the advice and majority consent of the Executive Board, shall appoint persons to serve on the Advisory Board.  The President may replace an appointee at any time, with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Executive Board.

Section 4: Terms of Office

1.       Terms of office for elected officers shall begin at the conclusion of the annual election which is held at the Fall Conference; the length of each term of office is specified below. Terms of appointed officers shall be until completion of their appointed tasks or for a term of two years, subject to reappointment. Local officers elected by Interest sections or collaborative groups will serve at the discretion of the groups that elect them.

Section 5: Equipment

1.      Laptop computers, accessories, and the other equipment/materials shall be supplied for any Executive or Advisory Board members as deemed necessary for the operation of Carolina TESOL by the Executive Board. These items are the property of Carolina TESOL, which will provide maintenance, support, and insurance for them as needed.

2.      Annual inventory of equipment shall be maintained by the Treasurer and submitted to the Executive Board at the Fall Conference.

Article III: Nominations and Elections

Section 1: Nominating Committee

1.      The Past President will assume the role of Nominating Chairperson for the Nominating Committee at the conclusion of the Fall Conference.

2.      The Nominating Chairperson shall select a committee consisting of at least three members who shall be representatives of the various regions, levels, and interests groups of English language learners in North and South Carolina. The Nominating Chairperson shall be the Chair of the Committee and the only current Executive Board member on the Committee.

3.      The Nominating Committee must be approved by the Executive Board no later than 90 days following the Fall Conference.

4.      The Committee shall publicize a need for nominations each spring and shall solicit other worthy candidates to complete a slate. For each nominee, the Committee shall determine the membership status of each in Carolina TESOL and ascertain the willingness of each to serve. It shall report the slate of officers to the Executive Board as soon as possible but no later than 60 days prior to the beginning of the Fall Conference.

5.      The Nominating Committee must approve a format for candidate bios each year. The Nominating Committee will also be responsible for informing candidates of campaign procedures, and informing candidates that those elected must remain an extra night for their first board meeting.

Section 2: Nominees

1.      All nominees for the Executive Board must be members in good standing with Carolina TESOL and have residency in North or South Carolina before being listed on the election ballot.  Furthermore, nominees for the office of vice-president/president-elect must have been members in good standing for a minimum of 2 years prior to being listed on the election ballot.  The nominating committee has the authority to make exceptions to this 2-year membership requirement with a majority rule.

Section 3: Voting Process

1.      The Nominating Committee shall oversee the voting process either by:

a)     Electronic voting conducted by a third party unaffiliated with Carolina TESOL

b)     Paper ballots

2.      Write-in votes are allowed. Write-in candidates must meet eligibility requirements before being installed as an officer.

3.      Absentee ballots, by request, will be made available to members in good standing 30 days prior to the Fall Conference.

4.      Campaigning will occur at the Fall Conference during a designated event, and any print materials will be distributed in designated area (i.e. vendor area).

5.      Any contest to the annual election must be sent in writing to the President within seven days from the announcement of the election.

Section 4: Election of Officers

1.      Executive Board officers shall be elected by a majority vote of those members voting. When there are three or more candidates for an office a plurality of votes determines the outcome of the election.

Section 5: Vacancies

1.      Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled by appointment by the President, subject to ratification by the Executive Board before or at its next scheduled meeting.

Article IV: Executive Board

Section 1: General: Duties of Officers

1.      There shall be a job description for each elected officer, which shall be prepared by the President and reviewed, revised as needed, and approved annually by the Executive Board before or at its first meeting.

Section 2: Terms of Office for the Executive Board

1.      The Vice-President/President-Elect is elected for a three-year cycle as Vice-President, President and Past President.

2.      All other Board members serve two year terms. The Secretary, Regional Representatives for Eastern (NC), Midlands(SC), Lowcountry (SC) and Piedmont (NC) will be elected in odd years, and the Regional Representatives for Western (NC), Upstate (SC), Pee Dee (SC) Central (NC), and, Publication Editor, will be elected in even years.

3.      The elected officers listed above constitute the Executive Board of Carolina TESOL in accordance with the Constitution.

Section 3: Executive Board Meetings

1.      The Executive Board will meet at least three times a year at a time and place determined by the President or in response to a petition signed by 20 members. Meetings of the Executive Board are open to the membership and are mandatory for all Executive Board members.

2.      Failure to attend an Executive Board meeting by an Executive Board member without just cause may be grounds for termination from the Executive Board.

3.      As appropriate, committee chairpersons or other individuals will be asked to attend specific Board meetings to give input or committee reports.

Section 4: Business Between Meetings

1.      The Executive Board may conduct business between meetings by any means that permit each member of the Board to be involved. All decisions and/or actions made between meetings will be recorded by the Secretary and presented to the Executive Board for approval before or at its next official meeting and thereafter submitted for publication in the Newsletter.

Section 5: Termination of Executive Board Officers

1.      An officer of the Executive Board may be relieved of his/her duties if, after discussing the concerns with the member, two-thirds of the Executive Board determines that essential duties of the position have not been carried out as outlined in the job description mentioned in Section 1 of this Article. The Executive Board will inform the member of its decision.

2.      Any appeals must be completed within seven days of notification

Article V: Advisory Board

Section 1: General Duties of Officers

1.      There shall be a job description for each Advisory Board officer, which shall be prepared by the President and reviewed, revised as needed, and approved annually by the Executive Board before or at its first meeting.

Section 2: Advisory Board Positions

1.      The Advisory Board shall consist of Interest Section chairs, chairs of Standing Committees, Membership Coordinator, Webmaster, honorary members, and any positions designated by the Executive Board.

Section 3: Interest Sections

1.      There shall be Interest Sections as determined by the Executive Board, including but not limited to: Higher Education, Adult Education, and K-12. Interest Section Chairs shall be elected by their Interest Section members at Interest Section meetings at the Fall Conference. They shall bring the concerns and recommendations of their Sections to the Executive Board. Interest Section Chairs shall serve a one year term of office and may be reelected or reappointed.

2.      Interest Section Chairs should submit reports to the Newsletter Editor and/or Webmaster at least semi-annually.

Section 4: Standing Committees

1.      There shall be a Socio-Political Concerns Committee, which shall keep the membership informed about political issues that relate to the goals and objectives of Carolina TESOL.

2.      Standing Committee chairs should submit reports to the Newsletter Editor and/or Webmaster at least semi-annually.

Section 5: Webmaster

1.      A Webmaster shall maintain the Carolina TESOL web site and oversee the creation of a web page or site for each Carolina TESOL conference (regional, annual, or mini). Additional information such as teaching tips, lesson plans and links to other ESOL resources may be included on the webpage as well.

Section 6: Southeast TESOL Representative

1.      A Southeast TESOL Representative shall represent the Executive Board at all meetings of the Southeast Regional Council. The term of office is three years.

2.      Following the Southeast TESOL Conference the representative will submit a report to the Newsletter Editor and/or Webmaster at least semi-annually.

Section 9: Honorary Board Members

1.      The Executive Board may appoint honorary members to the Advisory Board at its discretion.

Article VI: Regional Representatives and Collaborative Partners

Section 1: Regional Representative Responsibilities

1.      Conduct professional development opportunities for school districts and local agencies.

2.     Actively recruit for membership in Carolina TESOL and establish Collaborative Partners in each designated area within their region.

3.     All Regional Representatives should meet with all Collaborative Partners at the Annual Conference during a designated time and place.

Section 2: Collaborative Partner Responsibilities

1.      Collaborative Partners (CPs) shall arrange social gatherings of those interested in ESOL in their areas each year; gather information for the Newsletter, Regional Representatives, and interest sections; and perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

2.      Regional and Collaborative Partners will also assist the Publications Editor and/or Webmaster with information from or about teachers and/or schools that are doing exemplary things with ESOL in their communities at least quarterly.

3. Assist with professional development workshops/events in their local area.

Article VII: Conferences

Section 1: Conference Scheduling

1.     There shall be a Fall Conference for the entire Carolina TESOL membership. The conference will alternate between North and South Carolina each year. Registration and accommodation information shall be opened and posted on the website on or before April 1st of the same year.

2.      There shall be at least one mini-institute/CARE conference/PD opportunity in each state regional area with the Regional Representative of that area serving as the coordinator, utilizing Collaborative Partners for assistance as much as possible.

Section 2: Annual Business Meeting

1.      An Annual Business Meeting of members shall occur at the Carolina TESOL Fall Conference.

Section 3: Conference Reports

1.      The Conference chairperson collaboratively with the Treasurer and Membership Coordinator shall present written reports on the fall conference to the Executive Board.

2.      A proposed conference budget with narrative should be submitted at least 60 days prior to the conference and a final conference report within 60 days following the conference. An informal conference update will be provided to the Executive Board during the business meeting at the Annual Conference.

3.    Regional Representatives shall present, in writing, a report of each mini-institute/CARE conference or PD opportunity held in their respective regions within 6o days of the event.

Article VIII: Publications

1.      There shall be a newsletter published at least quarterly. Other publications shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Article IX: Procedures

Section 1: Disbursements

1.      Either the President or the Treasurer may make disbursements by check up to $500.00. Any check in excess of $500.00 requires Executive Board approval.  Contracts for workshops, conference expenses, and other items over the $500.00 amount are considered approved when the Executive Board has previously approved the event or expenditures.

Section 2: Affiliate Liaison

1.      The Vice President/President-Elect is designated the Affiliate Liaison to represent Carolina TESOL at the annual TESOL, Inc., convention (Affiliate Leadership Workshop, Affiliate Business Meeting). If the designated Affiliate Liaison is unable to attend, the President or another Board member in good standing with TESOL, Inc. will represent the affiliate. To maintain its status as an affiliate, Carolina TESOL must be represented at least every two years at the said meetings.

Section 3: Protecting the Good Name of the Association

1.      The name of Carolina TESOL will not be used by any member for purposes of certifying his/her professional preparation or competence in teaching English language learners. Neither shall the name nor the membership directory be used for the endorsement or sale of products and/or services without written approval from the Executive Board. Violations shall be reported to the President for referral to the Executive Board for the Board’s study and action.

Section 4: Robert’s Rules of Order

1.      Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the actions of the association in all cases not addressed by the Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 5: Audit

Audits must occur prior at handoff between treasurers and no less than every four years. Audits may also be requested by the Executive Board at any time with a 2/3 vote of agreement.

Article X:  Indemnification

1.      The following list cites circumstances in which Carolina TESOL will indemnify any person who is or was an officer or other member of the Board as stated in Article VI of the Constitution.

a.      The actor conducted himself or herself in good faith.

b.     The act was not willful misconduct.

c.      The act was not a crime, unless the actor had a reasonable cause to believe the act was lawful.

d.     The act was not a transaction that resulted in improper personal benefit of money, property, or service to the actor.

e.     the act arose within the scope of the actor’s responsibilities to Carolina TESOL or arose from the actor’s reasonable belief that such act or failure to act was within the scope of the actor’s reasonable responsibilities to Carolina TESOL, and

f.       the actor reasonably believed

                               i.     In the case of conduct in the actor’s official capacity with Carolina TESOL, that the actor’s        conduct was in Carolina TESOL’s best interests; and

                               ii.     In all other cases, that the actor’s conduct was at least not opposed to Carolina TESOL’s  best interest.

Article XI: Amendments to the Standing Rules

Section 1: Procedures

1.        Changes to the Bylaws shall require approval by two-thirds of the Executive Board. Changes shall take effect when the membership has been informed of the changes.

By-laws updated and approved by Executive Board:  September 20, 2019