Case Study 2

What do stories tell us about bears?

What do stories tell us about bears?

During this case study we will be looking at four different questions. The children will look closely at each question and through continuous provision explore the different types of teddy bears and really think about why we all love teddy bears so much.

If you go down to the woods today, what will you see?

What do stories tell us about bears?

If you go down to the woods today, who will you see?

How can we share stories about bears?

Goldilocks and the Three Bears!

The children looked closley at the text Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Children in nursery looked closely at character Goldilocks and how she had lovely golden yellow hair. They used scissors to practice their cutting skills and cut Goldilocks hair within provision.

They then explored porridge oats in the tough tray before taste testing them for themselves. We used three different toppings and then created a class bar chart to show which topping was our favourite.

Hooking into Case Study 2

In Foundation 2, we hooked into our learning with a school trip to Austerfield! We explored in the woods to see if we could see any bears, told the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and made porridge! We had so much fun exploring the storied outside in the sunshine and we couldn't wait to get back to school to tell everyone about what we had done!

The next week, we continued to look at case study two - ‘What do stories tell us about bears?’

We re-read our story to check we had remembered what happened at the beginning, middle and end, and started to put this into our own words ready for Geoff coming in to film in week 2! Miss Welburn challenged us to use some of the new words and phrases from the story when we were re-telling it to show that we had understood what these meant. She was really impressed with the way we described the chairs and the beds in the Three Bears’ houses!

We also asked Miss Welburn what porridge was and what it tasted like this week, so Miss Welburn asked us to make sure porridge by following instructions! We used cups to measure out oats and milk, and added different amounts of sugar to the porridge to make Mummy Bear’s, Daddy Bear’s and Baby Bear’s. We then had a vote to see which porridge was our favourite. Most of us liked Mummy Bear’s which didn’t surprise Miss Welburn as she like her porridge with lots of sugar in too!