Case Study 1

Why are teddy bears special to us?

Why are teddy bears special to us?

During this case study we will be looking at three different questions. The children will look closely at each question and through continous provision explore the different types of teddy bears and really think about why we all love teddy bears so much.

How do we care for bears?

Why are bears special to us?

Do your family have special bears?


The children have learnt all about the story Dogger. They looked closley at the characters and how Dave loved his stuffed doggy teddy bear. That was until one day he was lost!

The children discussed how Dave would have felt and what they could have done to help him. Luckily Dogger was found at the school jumble sale.

The children explored new vocabulry to describe Dogger. The children in nursery learnt the word "soft". They explored different materials in the tough tray to experience what soft would feel like.

They especially liked the custard! It was soft, but also runny and sticky.

Old and new teddy bears!

The children had the opportunity to explore 3 old bear thanks to Mrs Rafter who kindly brought in her own special bears. We looked closely at the differences of our own Everywhere bear and Mrs Rafters bears. Max said "it's got cow food inside", when looking at the old bears. Elsie said "our bear had white fluff".

The children carefully held the bears and worked hard to describe how they felt using new words.