The model we made wants to represent the energy supply of the lighting of our school. Especially from the production of electricity from renewable sources such as solar panels.We can observe how the use of solar panels is an intelligent and sustainable choice to ensure the lighting of the school and what are its needs . Thanks to this renewable energy source, we are able to reduce the environmental impact and promote a more ecological lifestyle within our school community. In addition, educating students on the importance of clean and renewable energy contributes to the formation of conscious and responsible citizens towards the planet. Our project aims not only to illuminate the school corridors, but also to enlighten the minds of our young people, inspiring them to take care of the environment and pursue sustainable solutions for the future.


The model created aims to simulate the energy source for the lighting of our school; especially from the production of electricity from renewable sources such as solar panels. We can observe how the use of solar panels is an intelligent and sustainable choice to guarantee the school's lighting and its energy needs. In fact, thanks to this renewable energy source we are able to reduce the environmental impact and promote a more ecological lifestyle within our school community

Educating students on the importance of clean and renewable energy contributes to the formation of citizens who are aware and responsible for the planet. Our project aimed not only to illuminate school corridors, but also to enlighten the minds of our young people, inspiring them to take care of the environment and pursue sustainable solutions for the future. In the model we tried to represent the importance of " green", associated with the photovoltaic system created with 3 V panels capable of powering LED lights and with four units it was possible to power the charge of a phone for a total of 12 V.

Photovoltaic technologies convert solar radiation into electrical energy, allowing plant applications ranging from a few kW of power in residential installations to several MW of photovoltaic power plants. Due to the high degree of professionalization achieved, and also thanks to the boost from available incentives in various countries, photovoltaics has had continuous development in recent years. The renewable energy sector and, in particular, the production of electricity from solar photovoltaic have received great attention in Italy in the last two years, thanks to the generous incentives that , in addition to encouraging numerous investors, they have influenced the market, allowing module and inverter producers to obtain a favorable price

The creation of the model allowed us to understand how to create a real photovoltaic system, discovering the system in series, closed and open circuit. For a correct construction of the system, the choice and inclination of the support structures to be combined with the modules is important.

The metal carpentry work, generally made from extruded anodized aluminum profiles, which characterizes the support structure of the modules, varies greatly in relation to the type of installation, which we reproduced through door stops. In the photovoltaic integration on a ventilated facade or in the use of semi-transparent modules it is necessary to have particular fixing systems and substructures with often high costs. Therefore when choosing how to produce energy and everything concerning the costs for the construction it is necessary to take into account the usefulness weighted marginal which is given by the ratio between marginal productivity and price. In order to understand whether an investment of this kind will be effective or not.

WhatsApp Video 2024-03-27 at 18.23.51.mp4

Model created by Cutillo Angelo, Melotta Luca, Nuzzi Piero, Nero Dominic

Text, graphics design and web page realized by Angelo Cutillo