History-Social Science

To address the California Common Core State Standards for ELA/Literacy in grades six through twelve, teachers have students write routinely over extended and shorter time frames for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. In the history-social science curriculum, students are exposed to a variety of primary and secondary sources about people and events of the past and the assessments may take the form of expository writing, such as historical arguments and explanation where students are asked to marshal evidence to support a thesis or claim.

The DBQ Process: Evidence-Based Historical Writing

The Core Belief of The DBQ Project is “Thinking is Clarified by Writing.” In CUSD, all secondary students in grades 6-11, write for a variety of learning purposes using the six steps of the DBQ Project Method outlined below.

The Hook Exercise: Students write answers to open-ended questions alone or with a partner or small group.

The Background Essay: Students review the information in the background essay by writing answers to questions the DBQ Project provides or by using one of the reading strategies we recommend.

Clarification of the Question and Pre-Bucketing: Students rewrite the analytical question and predict, in writing, what the basic answer will be.

Document Analysis: Students write answers to questions in the enhanced or scaffolded version of the DBQ or they list facts and inferences on a structured document analysis sheet. In both cases, students write how the document they are considering might answer the analytical question they are trying to answer.

Bucketing: Students categorize and classify documents thematically and then write the document letter and the key facts from each document in the appropriate category.

Writing: Students write an outline using either our guided essay or our standard one to identify the evidence and argument they plan to use in writing their essays. They also develop their thesis statement and each baby thesis or thematic topic sentence that will begin each paragraph. The project culminates with writing a full five paragraph essay.


Copy of CUSD 6th Grade MiniQ SINGLE PARAGRAPH Holistic Rubric 17-18
CUSD DBQ Rubric- Grades 7-12- 2018/2019

Ap history RUBRICS


Writing Resources for History