Where Am I Coming From?

Big Questions

  • Where am I coming from? What is my backstory? How does my world shape me? How do I shape my world?

  • The big themes will be represented by having 5-10 pieces of artwork to answer that question

  • We worked on creating a portfolio of images to share During Parent Night

Community Mapping

Students were challenged to make an open-ended artwork about "community"-- for example, what does community mean to you? How does community make you feel? What are the uplifting or difficult parts of being a member of community?

My Backstory

Using an example artist, students used this as inspiration to draw 3 screens of their life using Kleki.

How does my world shape me? How do I shape my world?

Prompt: Think about issues that are facing folks today. How are folks responding to them?

Follow-up: how did you find out about these issues?

Then, students created a ZINE responding to "how you shape your world and how your world shapes you".