
My Life's Playlist

Students reflect on their life events. Thinking about these events, students chose songs they listen to that represented their life. Students engaged in discussion sharing their life events and answering why the identified songs are on their playlist. Students then used digital or traditional art to draw their life based on their playlist.

Compare and Contrast

Free writing Activity: What does silence mean to you? What does noise mean to you?

Free-drawing Activity: What does silence look like as a line drawing? What does noise look like in a line drawing?

Using lines & shapes to depict the soundwaves of songs (school- appropriate songs from life’s playlist)


Student artwork representing "silence"


Student artwork representing "noise"

Flip through these pictures!

Active Listening

Prompt: What is active listening? What do our bodies look like when we are listening?

Active Listening Activity:

Pick 2-3 objects from your room and tell a story about why you picked them, how do they relate to your life, do they relate to each other?

Art project: "Make My Stuff"

Teachers modeled activity first, then students tried it with their partner.

In breakout rooms-- One student described an object from their immediate surroundings to another student, who then attempted to make an object based on this description. Since the material was clay, this means that students had the opportunity to evolve their scultpure as they asked questions and gathered new info about the other person's "stuff".