Grade 4

Useful Chromebook tips for care, usage, shortcuts, troubleshooting, resources and accessibility.

Online Safety

Into the Cloud: Be safer online!

Practice your typing at "Typing Pal"

Dean S Luce Elementary School

John F. Kennedy Elementary School

Lt. Peter M. Hansen Elementary School

Practice good typing techniques &

good "ergonomics" every day!

1. Do not look at your hands or your keyboard while you are typing. Use your screen diagram as a guide.

2. Feet flat on floor. Hips touching back of chair. Back straight and sitting up nice and tall.

3. Sit directly in front of the keyboard. Center your body in front of the J key.

4. Fingers curved. Arms close to body. Wrist straight and not touching keyboard.

5. Strike keys with proper finger & then return finger back to home row position.

What is computer programming?

Annie and Moby from BrainPop Jr. explain the basics of computer programming! Click the 'play' button to watch the video below.

Computer Programming - BrainPOP Jr..webm

Hour of Code” is here!

Computer Science Education 2022 allows students of all ages and abilities to learn basic computer science skills and concepts and allows them to try their hand at the wonderful world of coding! 

All Grade 4 students, in all three Canton Elementary Schools will be given the chance to take part in the “Hour of Code.” You can do the activities asynchronously at home during the month of December. This is optional, but it is a good way for you to explore fun, coding activities.

Please let Mr. Martin, Mrs. Foley or Mrs. Sinnott  know if you have any questions!

Now take your turn at writing some code! There are three activities below to choose from:

Code your own Flappy Game! - Studio

Code with Anna & Elsa - Studio