Cadet Band

What is cadet band?

After a student has made satisfactory progress in Beginning Band they will have the option to join our intermediate band, the Cadet Band.

The Cadet Band focuses more on performance and developing habits that they will use in middle school ensembles. We explore musicianship, discipline, and community: the fundamentals of any successful music ensemble. 

We practice and perform literature from Beginning to grade 1. Cadet Band students develop independence and confidence through rehearsal and practice. Whereas in Beginning Band we often play the same melody, in Cadet Band we focus on blending parts and sections together.

Satisfactory progress?

Cadet Band students should be able to demonstrate lessons learned in Beginning Band. 

WHere/WHen does Cadet band meet?

Cadet Band rehearses every Monday in the Ida Price music room, 53. Rehearsal is 4:15 - 5:30pm. Please make sure to discuss explicit and detailed pick up procedures with your child.
