Camtech Seminar

Camtech Seminar is meant to offer instructional support and additional lab time for students currently engaged in a project that is a more technical build/undertaking than a standard senior project. This project can be completed in conjunction with your senior project, but some students may choose to do separate projects. It is not a replacement for your Senior English class (in which you will do your Senior Project), but acts as an additional support for students who wish to pursue a project that is more complex than the typical senior project affords.

Seminar is also not a required class for completing the Camtech Program. While a capstone project is a requirement, and many students choose to do their capstone project in the Seminar class, some students may choose to do their capstone project outside of seminar. Historically, these projects have been things like summer internships or earning technical certifications like pilots licenses.

Once you complete the class, or the project, you must give a presentation during showcase night in order to graduate with Camtech Honors.