Construction Fabrication


TE1001 Intro to Tech : Design & Engineering 

Single Semester 

An introductory course for digital design classes available at CHS. A project-based design-oriented course consisting of sections that introduce students to the following technical areas: Project Planning, Web Design, Computer Programming, 3D Modeling with 3D Printing, and Vector Graphics with CNC. Students will receive a well-rounded introduction to all the tools present, career-skills development, and explore next steps in education to continue in areas they find engaging.

TE1071  Fabrication Lab 

Single Semester

A hands-on activity-based course introducing students to a variety of knowledge and skills in the machine shop, woodworking, and manufacturing industry. Students will focus on learning safety procedure, completion of skill building assignments, and project design evolving out of related industrial areas. The manufacturing component will focus on the organization, material processing and management practices used in industry today to design and manufacture a variety of products. Additionally, a career component will introduce students to available fabrication careers and their requirements 

TE2071  Fabrication Lab II 

Single Semester 

A hands-on, project-based, and student-driven course for students who have experience, knowledge, and skills in the machine shop, woodworking, and manufacturing industry; developed in Fabrication I. Students will focus on skill related assignments and projects evolving out of these industrial areas, while continuing to develop understanding of safety procedure and project design. The manufacturing component will continue its focus on the organization, material processing and management practices used in industry today to design and manufacture a variety of products. CAD, 3D Modeling, and CNC machines will also be applied in the course. Additionally, a career component will help students explore available fabrication careers and their requirements. 

TE2041 / TE2042    CADD: Engineering & Architecture 

Single Semester 

1 or Entire Year This course is for students interested in learning about Engineering and CADD (Computer Aided Design & Drafting) utilized across several design disciplines such as engineering, architecture, and product design. Creative problem solving and engineering design process skills will be developed using 2D & 3D drafting & computer modeling, as well as working on a team to develop solutions, prototypes, and technical instructions. 

CTE411   Computer 3-D Modeling

Single Semester

In this course students will learn how to create three-dimensional computer model images using a variety of computer programs like Fusion 360 & Blender 3D. Using these programs, students will be designing a variety of consumer related products and objects with elective opportunities that allow students to design models of their own choice. Many of the models may be 3D printed and or built in our lab using a variety of materials. Additionally, students will learn vector design and various CNC techniques to design 3D assemblies from 2D cut designs.

ART041/ART042 Stagecraft

Entire Year 

Explore set construction and theater technologies in this class. Students will construct the sets for the major performances throughout the year and learn about sound design, set design, lighting, props, costumes, special effects, and more. Every year is a new challenge with interesting projects to work on, and students are actively working on them daily. Class Limit: 22 students. Students need to meet with teacher for approval and seek signature on Teacher Approval Form. 

TE3581 / TE3582 CamTech Seminar 

Single Semester / Entire Year

Individualized, intensive preparation for STEM Junior or Senior Engineering Project and Internship if available in a specialized field of study related to Computer Science, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, or Robotics. Preparation for Senior Project presentation and career/educational options related to the Senior Engineering Project. Individualized, team-based projects are mandatory.