Interactive Media


AR1121  Intro to Tech : Media & Photography Single Semester

This intro course is designed for the person who is interested in art and technology. This overview course will take you into the digital age working with digital design, digital drawing and digital photography. We will go through photography basics with Canon DSLR cameras and then into the digital darkroom using Adobe Photoshop. We will also cover the basics of graphic design for marketing using Adobe Illustrator, as well as the basics of digital drawing using the Wacom pen and tablet. You will learn how to integrate your new knowledge into creating visual communications for Google Slides/MS PowerPoint, online marketing, print fliers, and more. This is a great class if you are pursuing the Marketing or CamTech pathway. 

CTE421 Video Game & Interactive Media Design

Single Semester

This course teaches high school students to create mobile and desktop video games and apps, covering project development life-cycles, planning, and implementation. It emphasizes user interface, usability, and effectiveness in 2D games or apps. The curriculum includes privacy, security, ethical, and legal aspects of software development, along with employability skills. Suitable for all skill levels, it caters to students from experienced coders focusing on real-world applications to beginners interested in design and app creation.

TE1021 Introduction to Coding Python 201 

Single Semester 

This course introduces coding in Python. Students master basic coding concepts common to all programming languages, such as statements, conditionals, and loops, and are additionally introduced to: libraries, procedural graphics, and complex input. Students develop coding-related skills such as decomposition of large problems and problem-solving to plan solutions, as well as debugging, and analyzing code written by others. In addition, students also learn about the application of CS to real-world scenarios, and learn about career options in CS. 

TE2022 Introduction to Coding Python 202 

Single Semester 

This course continues the journey learning coding in Python. During the course, students will master fundamental data structures such as lists, tuples, arrays, and dictionaries. Students will also gain proficiency with advanced topics including for-each loops, functions, string formatting, web APIs, and cryptography. In addition, students learn about the application of CS to real-world scenarios, and learn about career options in CS. 

AR1051 / AR1052 Website Design 

Single Semester 1 or Entire Year 

This course is for students who are interested in building websites and developing their graphic design, photography, digital art, coding, and animation skills. Students will create dynamic and responsive web pages and learn how to use various applications within Windows, Google and Adobe. The focus of the course is on creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills. STEAM related careers will also be explored.

TE1031 / TE1032 Graphic Design

Entire Year

his year long course is designed for students interested in graphic design and the creative arts. Students will be using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign for design platforms. Students will work with type, icons/graphics, and layout. Student creativity will grow while technical skills will expand to produce logos, posters, product labels, t-shirts, album covers, flyers, and other design marketing related materials. 

TEC403/TEC404 *SCP AP Computer Science A

Entire Year 

Students will learn programming in Java as they prepare for the AP Computer Science A test. While most of our programming projects will be completed in class, students must have access to a computer and internet at home capable of running a current Java integrated development environment, and comfortable with high-school level electronic communication. 

TE3461 / TE3462 AP Computer Science Principles

Entire Year 

In this engaging, project-based course, students develop computational thinking and programming skills through collaborative, open-ended projects that are personally meaningful to students’ lives. Students examine how computing shapes our society by investigating and debating issues such as cybersecurity, data privacy, and digital literacy. Assignments grow in complexity as students explore programming concepts first through block-based, drag-and-drop coding in Scratch, followed by text-based coding in Python 

TE3581 / TE3582 CamTech Seminar 

Single Semester / Entire Year

Individualized, intensive preparation for STEM Junior or Senior Engineering Project and Internship if available in a specialized field of study related to Computer Science, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, or Robotics. Preparation for Senior Project presentation and career/educational options related to the Senior Engineering Project. Individualized, team-based projects are mandatory.