Fine Motor Skills


*Practice cutting strips of paper, cut out different shapes, etc


*Roll out snakes or balls

*Make letters/ numbers/ your name.

*Use scissors to cut the playdough, cookie cutters to cut out different shapes, rolling pins to flatten the playdough.

*Practice printing your name, letters and numbers:

*Use colored markers, pencils, crayons, chalk, etc.

*Use small amounts of shaving cream or a ziplock baggie with hair gel in it.

*Rip paper/ tissue paper:

*Rip into tiny pieces and make a collage.

*Squeezing out the glue also works those fine motor skills.



*Beads/ Dry Pasta:

*String on yarn/string to make necklaces and bracelets

*Clothes Pins:

*Pick up small objects (cotton balls, small erasers, beads, etc)